
Gawker Is Looking for Interns

Leah Beckmann · 12/06/11 05:07PM

Are you a total news junkie? Do you know Gawker's voice inside and out? Would you willingly—and more importantly, would you happily—spend hours glued to a computer screen scouring the internet for the newsworthy and noteworthy?

Unpaid Internships Are the New Jobs

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/11 12:06PM

America has a slight problem with unemployment. But what are we to do? Taking a job that sucks will only make us less happy. The jobs that exist, we're not qualified for. Are we all consigned to unpaid intern hell?

Do Not Pay For Any Internships (Especially Not in DC)

Hamilton Nolan · 08/30/10 10:20AM

First, there were paid internships. Those were okay. Then, there were unpaid internships. Those were just slightly better than nothing. Now, there are internships you pay for, which won't even get you a high-paying job. Those are a scam.

Your 2010 Media Intern Price List

Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/10 03:49PM

The only way to "make it" in the media now is to pay a huge bribe to secure a coveted "intern" slot at a failing media outlet, where you can begin sleeping your way to the top. The going rates?

The (Potential) Intern From Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/10 11:08AM

Every season, at every company, there has to be that one terrible intern. Usually they just fall asleep at work, or show up drunk. Allow us to introduce you to one intern candidate who sounds much, much worse.

PETA Protects Cat to Death

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/09 09:05AM

Pity poor Lydia Netzer, who lived next door to the PETA intern house outside DC. Pity Lydia Netzer's cat even more. The PETA interns finally good-intentioned it to death.

How Not To Bone Your Interns

Ryan Tate · 09/24/09 07:26PM

Attention media bosses: The summer has ended and your intern guard has changed. But maybe there's one apprentice you'd like to keep, hmmm, providing regular "feedback" to? Jessica Wakeman has been that intern, and she has some tips.