
Loser Interviews Hater

Ashley Feinberg · 08/28/15 10:40PM

In one of the most simultaneously bleak and fawning ten minutes of television I have ever seen, former candidate for Vice President of the United States and current off-brand Fox News (OAN) personality Sarah Palin interviewed everyone’s favorite screaming steamed carrot, Donald Trump.

Jeff Wise Is Here to Chat About His Flight MH370 Disappearance Theory

J.K. Trotter · 02/24/15 02:00PM

Anyone obsessed with the disappearance of Flight MH370 knows the name of Jeff Wise, a private pilot and science writer who has frequently appeared on CNN to track new developments in the search for the missing plane. Today he’s here to chat with Gawker readers about his personal theory—detailed in a 95-page Kindle Single and excerpted in New York magazine—for how the passenger jet vanished without a trace on March 8, 2014. It involves bogus flight data, Russian hijackers, and a remote facility in Kazakhstan (among others things).

Chat With the Pulitzer-Winners Who Exposed The NYPD's Spy Ring

Adrian Chen · 09/03/13 12:33PM

Since 9/11, the NYPD has transformed itself into a mini CIA in an effort to fight terrorism. Associated press reporters Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman have admirably exposed the NYPD's intrusive, and possibly unconstitutional, secret surveillance program in a series of articles that won them the Pulitzer Prize. Their new book, Enemies Within, details how NYPD basically treats the entire Muslim population of New York City as potential terrorists—mass-surveilling mosques, deploying undercover "rakers" to snoop on random hookah bars, restaurants and cafes—with negligible results and less oversight even than the NSA's spying programs. To promote the book and refute the NYPD's pushback, the duo today released a cache of documents related to their investigations.

An Interview with Stanley the Adult Baby

Leah Beckmann · 05/22/12 01:40PM

Stanley Thornton Jr., America's most prominent Adult Baby, is, in his own words, an open book. He became an internet sensation last year with his first TV appearance on National Geographic's Taboo after the episode featured the 30-year-old drinking from a bottle and getting his diaper changed. Just week's after the show aired, Stanley was investigated for Social Security fraud. (He was later cleared of all charges.) Almost a year to the day later, Stanley returned to TV on an episode of TLC's nightmare factory, My Crazy Obsession.

'I May Give Up Writing and Work as a Butler': Interview with John Derbyshire

Maureen O'Connor · 04/09/12 05:54PM

After publishing an article advising his children to avoid black people, writer John Derbyshire lost his column at uber-conservative magazine The National Review and weathered a firestorm of outrage this weekend. Nonetheless, after undergoing his regularly scheduled chemotherapy treatment for Chronic Lymphomatic Leukemia this morning, an unperturbed Derbyshire agreed to a Gawker Q&A. His only request: That we publish his answers exactly as he wrote them. We agreed, and have not edited him.

Elton John to Kings of Leon: 'What the Hell Is Wrong with You Guys?'

Matt Cherette · 04/01/11 01:09AM

On tonight's Late Night, Elton John stopped by for a chat with Jimmy Fallon. When the topic of John's songs being covered—on American Idol, for example—came up, he celebrated it, while simultaneously bashing "assholes" Kings of Leon.

In a Chatroom With Matt Stone

Richard Lawson & Brian Moylan · 03/29/11 01:35PM

South Park masterminds Trey Parker and Matt Stone have recently become the toasts of Broadway, with their new musical Book of Mormon receiving rave reviews and selling tickets like crazy. Lucky for us then that Mr. Stone found the time amid all the theater mania to sit down and have an online chat with us.

Paris Hilton and Lil' Wayne Commiserate About Prison

Maureen O'Connor · 03/28/11 11:25AM

Interview, America's premiere source for transcripts of famous people talking amongst themselves, reaches surreal new heights in this month's cover story. With the help of music editor Dmitri Ehrlich, a nearly-sentient rice noodle named Paris Hilton interviewed rapper Lil' Wayne. Among the topics of discussion: The celebrities' respective incarcerations, Wayne for his latest weapons and narcotics charge, and Paris for driving drunk on a hamburger run.

Is This the Drunkest Interview Ever?

Matt Cherette · 02/27/11 01:14AM

Here's a local news interview featuring Tommy, a Hazelton, Pennsylvania resident whose house had just burned down. That's sad! Tommy's insane—and I mean insane, child—level of drunkenness, however? Well, that's just plain hilarious. "I'm gonna get racial!"

Charlie Sheen's Crazy Radio Rant Makes CBS Shut Down His Show

Adrian Chen · 02/24/11 08:34PM

Charlie Sheen gave a ranty interview today to conservative radio host Alex Jones while he vacationed in the Bahamas. In less than 20 minutes, Sheen claimed he cured his alcoholism "with my mind," referred to his porn star lovers as his "goddesses," called out his imagined opponents—"fools and trolls"— in macho-baroque soliloquies, and insulted Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre in anti-Semitic fashion: "I violently hate Chaim Levine (Chuck Lorre). He's a stupid, stupid little man and a pussy punk that I'd never want to be like."