
What Is This Thing That Charlie Sheen Invented?

John Cook · 03/16/11 12:27PM

Did you know Charlie Sheen is an inventor and holds a genuine U.S. patent? It's true. It's not a sex toy (although it sure looks like one). But if his $100 million lawsuit against Warner Bros. and Two and a Half Men producer Chuck Lorre doesn't work out, he can always fall back on the crazy business schemes he hatched in the 1990s. Here's a survey.

Microsoft Dating Service Could Let You Fly Your Freak Flag

Adrian Chen · 03/10/11 11:07PM

If you want to online date but are concerned about unusual likes and/or sexual habits, Microsoft has patented a service for you! The service helps people with "fringe interests and eccentricities" find mates without having to explain everything to the squares.

New Diet Trend: Vaporizing Food and Inhaling It

Maureen O'Connor · 01/27/11 04:40PM

Anorexics, rejoice: With asthma inhalers and vaporizers, inventor David Edwards turns physical food into a cloud, which dieters inhale to "sate chocolate or caffeine cravings" with no more than a single calorie. This is straight out of a futuristic farce.

This Clock Will Create More Time for You to Eat Your Lunch

Richard Blakeley · 01/18/11 12:05PM

The lunchtime clock slows down every day 20% at 11:00 and speeds up 20% at 11:48 until it rights itself at 1:00. This gives you an extra 12 minutes of lunchtime to enjoy. That's a full hour a week!

Inventions to Make Watching TV Even Easier Than It Already Is

Kate Shapiro · 10/20/10 09:00AM

Klutz has a hilarious and fascinating book called The Klutz Book of Inventions. The book features descriptions of really strange (but mostly awesome) inventions. While these don't exist (yet) each one was built and tested at IDEO's world-renown design firm.

College Kid Invents Amazing Motorized Couch

Richard Blakeley · 07/24/10 08:48PM

A college student at BYU invented a motorized couch that quickly prompted a ban on motorized couches on campus. Their favorite place to use it? The Wendy's drive-through.

Meet Subtle Butt, the Fart-Neutralizing Underwear Insert

Maureen O'Connor · 07/21/10 12:43PM

Finally, a way to dignify the experience of sitting around farting in your pants: Meet Subtle Butt, the odor-eating butt patch. "I use them on airplanes, after a chili meal, and even on my dog," says its evangelistic creator.

Is the 'TV Hat' the Stupidest Invention of 2010?

Brian Moylan · 07/09/10 12:49PM

Since there aren't any more Snuggie jokes to be made, Americans have moved on to ironically loving a new ridiculous product: the TV Hat. Can we all agree to stop wasting our money on this crap?