
Here's the Ben Carson Smear Email Ted Cruz's Campaign Sent to Staffers in Iowa

Jordan Sargent · 02/02/16 10:45PM

Last night in Iowa, Ted Cruz’s campaign circulated a rumor about Ben Carson quitting his campaign. The rumor turned out to be untrue, and Carson’s staff is using it to explain their poor showing in the caucus. Below, you can read the fateful email that directed Cruz volunteers to turn confused Carson supporters into defectors.

It Sure Does Seem Like Ted Cruz's Campaign Tried to Sabotage Ben Carson in Iowa

Jordan Sargent · 02/02/16 03:00PM

Ben Carson’s sinking campaign hit another low point last night when the famed surgeon finished fourth in the Iowa caucus, a good 14 points behind Marco Rubio in what appears to now be a three-person race for the Republican nomination. The Carson camp has so far offered one reason for his poor showing: a quick-spreading rumor started by Ted Cruz that Carson was dropping out of the race.

Either the Iowa Caucuses Are Too Complicated or We Are Too Stupid

Brendan O'Connor · 02/02/16 01:10AM

Under Iowa’s arcane Democratic caucusing rules, ties can be broken by the toss of a coin, leaving the designation of some delegates up to physics. On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton won at least three delegates by coin toss. Which delegates? Delegates to what? Where? No one knows!

Your Guide to GOP Iowa Caucus Hell [Updating]

Ashley Feinberg · 02/01/16 09:30PM

It’s finally here. In a few short hours, Iowa residents will crown their harvest king and everyone else in the country can go back to forgetting that Iowans exist for the next four years.

Every Candidate’s Impossible First-Day Agendas, Ranked

Ashley Feinberg · 02/01/16 02:03PM

With the Iowa caucuses officially kicking off primary voting season, it won’t be long before a brand new butt is working a fresh groove into Obama’s old chair. In preparation, our various candidates are already hard at work making wild schedules for their first day on the job. And each one is more impossible than the last.

Jon Stewart Catches Us Up In Advance of the Iowa Caucuses

Matt Toder · 01/03/12 11:31PM

Tonight's Daily Show can't comment on the Iowa caucuses on account of having been taped earlier today but that didn't stop Jon Stewart from breaking out his "White Man's Sampler" box of chocolates and breaking down the candidates. The plain one is Romney of course, the one filled with nuts is Bachmann and the one with the terrible cherry concoction inside is, naturally, Santorum.