iPhone blowback
Owen Thomas · 07/06/07 11:56AMIs The iPhone The Gayest Product Of All Time?
Choire · 07/06/07 08:30AM
You know what's yet one more great thing about the gay people? Their consumer consciousness! They're early adopters, they're curious consumers—and they buy a HECK of a lot of phones. Here's author Jack Shamama's recent phone history, annotated. It's true what they say: a single gay can pretty much keep the economy happily spinning! And here's another fun anecdotal fact. Nearly half of the iPhone buyers we know are of the gay persuasion. Look around at the swishy corner of your office and tell us it's not true.
Megan McCarthy · 07/05/07 07:10PM
Are gadget critics above criticism?
Owen Thomas · 07/05/07 04:52PM
New York Times technology columnist David Pogue is a not-very-critical critic — except, possibly, when it comes to his own biography. Pogue, or someone claiming to be him, is in fact editing his own Wikipedia entry. And every sign points to it, in fact, being Pogue: The poster's IP address,, has been removing anything negative about Pogue and making other curiously detailed revisions to the entry since June 30. Here are the details that suggest it really is Pogue.A search on IP2location.com reveals that the IP address belongs to Optimum Online, a broadband ISP, and is located in Norwalk, Conn. That's suspiciously close to the Stamford, Conn. address where Pogue has his domain name registered. And the Wikipedia user at that IP address has noted information about Pogue that's not easily verified, like the fact that he studied computer science at Yale. It's a major no-no to put information that can't be attributed to other sources on Wikipedia, whose users insist on linking only to publicly available information. It's also a major faux pas to edit your own Wikipedia entry; even Wikipedia founder Jimbo Wales has gotten in trouble over such a move. The only remaining question: Could the thin-skinned Pogue really have made such a dunderheaded move?
The iPhone On Craiglist: Sucking And Shopping
Choire · 07/05/07 04:00PM
Since June 30, there have been 102 postings on the New York Craigslist personals that mention the iPhone. Ranging from anal sex in exchange for an iPhone (give it to get it) to missed connections at the Genius bar, they make for a stunning display of humanity and its sad vulgar needs. There are poems and something about how Starbucks gave people iPhones but there was urine in the coffee? There are some clearly fake iPhone phone sex requests and apparently someone already dropped theirs down the toilet. There is of course some general douchiness. And so much more. Intern Mary breaks it all down for you in a handy pie graph.
That and $500 will get you an iPhone
Owen Thomas · 07/05/07 03:51PM
Ah, Silicon Valley: One moment, you're worth $3 million; the next, you can't even afford an iPhone. That's the situation Zooomr founder Kris Tate found himself in last week. A tipster who was on the scene expands on our earlier report that Tate's credit card was declined at the Palo Alto Apple Store as he tried to buy the must-have geek toy. Moments before, the tipster says, Tate was bragging about his net worth. The eyewitness account, after the jump.
Verizon's musical airs
Owen Thomas · 07/05/07 01:52PM
Verizon Wireless has a bad case of iPhone envy, starting at the top. COO Jack Plating privately fumed to his minions in a company memo headlined "iWhatever" — of which Valleywag got a copy — that the iPhone is "yet another attempt to stay competitive with us." The problem with Plating's fit of pique? Beyond fuming about the iPhone, he doesn't have much to say. Instead, he counsels store workers to tout Verizon's network and its "18 multimedia devices." Sure, Verizon has 18 music phones. But — how to put it delicately? — they all suck, including the latest LG Chocolate.Granted, I haven't played with the new Chocolate, just the old one. But just from the photos and feature list, I can tell that Verizon and LG haven't changed it enough to make a difference. They haven't fixed the phone's unusable user interface, tiny screen, and annoying numeric keypad. Think sending text messages on the iPhone is annoying? With the Chocolate, you're back to thumbing your way through the alphabet. And then there are the numbers. LG has crowed about selling 6 million phones, worldwide, in its first year. But the iPhone has, according to reports, sold 1 million phones in five days. And that's just in the U.S. Here's how Plating closes his little pep talk, which he asks workers to regurgitate to potential customers not just on the job, but at "backyard barbecues":
Everyone Has An iPhone But You
Choire · 07/05/07 09:05AM
"You may have heard something about the iPhone in the media," writes New Yorker classical music critic Alex Ross on his blog. No, we have not! What is this "iPhone"? Okay truth be told, I stopped by the iStore on iFifth Avenue on Tuesday and half-heartedly tried to iBuy one but there were all these grimy tourists touching the iPhones, a mob scene of all colors and creeds and also all colors and creeds of fannypacks, sort of like as if "It's A Small World" had come to life and exploded in gross technolust and I was so turned off that I had to run out of the store. Anhyoo, Mr. Ross is embarking on a brave experiment: he is leaving for Munich this week without his iPod or his iBook or his non-iCellphone, with only his iPhone to keep him in communication and also iEntertained. Dollars to donuts that this ends up in some kind of tears, right? Also, his address book ranges from "Abramovich to Zalewski." Hmm. Daniel Zalewski, New Yorker editor, sure: but who is this "Abramovich"?
Top ten tech must-haves of the past
Nick Douglas · 07/02/07 07:03PM
You didn't get the latest must-have on iDay? That's okay, neither did I. And frankly, that's fine. There are still some left in the store, and Apple always does better on the second try anyway. Why not wait til Christmas for iPhone 2? And why not check out ten highly anticipated, highly-sought must-haves of the past? Most of them look pretty stupid now, no? Some of them (like Windows Vista) built buzz beforehand but bombed on launch day. Some are even sexier as retro toys than they were when brand new. They're all reminders that the iPhone isn't the first, or the last, geek toy you'll want on Day 1.
The iPhone sales estimate guessing game
Tim Faulkner · 07/02/07 06:23PM
According to leading financial analysts, Apple's weekend iPhone launch was either pretty good (250,000 units - Shaw Wu, American Technology Research) or really damn good (700,000 units - David Bailey, Goldman Sachs Inc.) or somewhere in between (312,000 units - Bill Shope, J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc; 500,000 units - Gene Munster, Piper Jaffray; 525,000 units - Trip Crowley, Global Equities Research). Demonstrating exactly how helpful analysts and their estimates can be.
Megan McCarthy · 07/02/07 01:10PM
Can I still get an iPhone?
Nick Douglas · 07/02/07 10:51AM
Depends on whom you ask. Although AT&T and Apple both reported selling out this weekend in most of their stores, the analysts at Piper Jaffray say most Apple stores still have iPhones. (Piper says over half a million iPhones got sold.) To see if you can buy one near home, check AT&T's iPhone finder and Apple's availability checker. According to the latter, the only two California Apple stores selling iPhones today are in San Francisco. Maybe you can find someone to buy and FedEx you one in the comments below.
Choire · 07/02/07 10:10AM
We're already getting emails with that snippety, snipety little tagline at the bottom: "Sent from my iPhone." Oh FUCK YOU. Prepared to be bruised by a thousand Sidekicks.
Synergy gone wrong
wagger1 · 06/30/07 06:07PM
Perhaps we're just cranky from the Steve Jobs-addled fanboy who IM'd late last night to test his new iPhone's SMS. Amidst the tweets and texts and Facebook status updates we've gotten from new iPhone owners, we're left wondering one thing: How many of them are, at this very moment, using their iPhones to watch illegal copies of Ratatouille — the new Pixar release from Disney, where Apple CEO Jobs is, of course, a board member and major shareholder?
Megan McCarthy · 06/29/07 07:22PM
Exclusive First Assistant Report From The Beverly Center Line!
mark · 06/29/07 05:31PM
Phalanxes of assistants willing to kill or die for the satiation of their employer's iPhone lust have already marched on our city's Apple stores, hoping that a triumphant return to the office with the shiny treasure will earn them a slightly less intense late-afternoon lashing. A Defamer operative posted at the Beverly Center has just submitted our first report from the battlefront, offering us the vicarious thrill of a glimpse into the shadowy and dangerous world of industry line-waiters:
Choire · 06/29/07 02:10PM
Megan McCarthy · 06/29/07 01:44PM
iPhone To Force Hollywood Trendwhores To Adopt Two-Phone System
mark · 06/29/07 11:47AM
Even though the city's Apple and Cingular stores will be overrun today by loyal assistants authorized to murder rival line-waiters if it means their bosses will be able to show off an iPhone over tonight's power-dinners, the miracle device's incompatibility with the corporate e-mail servers that power the industry's longtime status symbol/technological shackle, the Blackberry, means that fad-horny Hollywood will have no choice to adopt the douchebag affectation popularized by lightly fictionalized Entourage agent Ari Gold. Reports Variety: