
Protests Surge in Iran

Adrian Chen · 12/27/09 10:51PM

Iran is currently being wracked by the biggest protests since this summer. At least four are dead, 300 arrested. Foreign media is banned, of course, but Twitter users around the world have vowed to turn their profile pictures green. [BBC]

Iranian Govt. Winning War on Media

Andrew Belonsky · 10/13/09 05:00AM

Think Western journalists have it rough? About 2,000 Iranian journalists have lost their jobs since the election. And those who haven't been arrested have fled the regime of overwrought Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who says they're worse than "nuclear weapons." [NYT]

Newsweek Lays a Nuclear Egg

John Cook · 09/25/09 02:34PM

Iran's been amping up its nuclear program at a secret facility, which the U.S. knew about but wasn't saying anything until now. Which makes it awfully unfortunate for Newsweek, which reported "exclusively" last week that Iran's nuke program was dormant.

Carly Fiorina's Iran Problem

Ryan Tate · 08/31/09 01:04PM

It is notoriously difficult for business executives to jump into politics. California Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina's Iranian connection provides a textbook illustration of why.

Consumers Know: 'Free' Media Must Suck

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/09 01:29PM

In your sizzling Tuesday media column: the future of the media is paid, Newsweek fights the power in Iran, another mag mogul kicks BusinessWeek's tires (made of paper), and Dan Rather's madder'n a lake trout with fiery testicles, at CBS.

Twitter-Addled CNN Refers to Tweets as a 'Source'

John Cook · 06/30/09 08:41AM

Everyone's coverage of the uprising in Iran has been Twitter-centric, for obvious reasons. But CNN, in an apparent attempt to look like they have real, non-Twitter newsgathering capabilities, has been regurgitating Twitter posts and attributing them to unnamed "sources."

Has The Iranian "Revolution" Already Been Crushed?

Foster Kamer · 06/27/09 08:00PM

Iranians who've been protesting the elections are being detained in wide reaching crackdowns. Ayatollah Ahmed Khatam noted that anyone contesting the election should be "dealt with without mercy." Iran's loudest opposition voices are quiet. Has the revolution been silenced?