
cityfile · 11/20/09 03:50PM

• Oprah got all teary today when she announced she'll end her talk show two years from now. Meanwhile her upstart cable network announced it'll launch in January 2011, eight months before her talk show goes off the air. [EW, THR]
• Oprah isn't the only one planning her goodbyes. Bill Moyers announced today that he's retiring and will wrap up his weekly PBS show in April 2010. [NYT]
• Former NY1 anchor Dominic Carter was found guilty of misdemeanor attempted assault today for roughing up his wife last year. [NYDN]
• Last night's season finale of Project Runway was the highest-rated episode of the season; meanwhile, winner Irina Shabayeva describes what's next for her.
• The new Twilight sequel, New Moon, isn't just causing excitable teens to pass out in droves. It's also on track to break a few box office records. [AFP, AP]
• More on the bloodshed at BusinessWeek the past few days. [FBNY]
Tina Brown has herself a new right-hand man at The Daily Beast. [NYP]
• Yet another book by reality TV star Lauren Conrad is on the way. [NYDN]
Phil Falcone's Harbinger has cut his stake in the Times once again. [Reuters]
• The scariest news ever: Lou Dobbs has left open the possibility that he'll make a run for the White House in 2012. And he wasn't kidding. [Reuters]

Project Runway: Fashion Weak

Brian Moylan · 11/20/09 01:39PM

Project Runway is all about vision and delusion. The vision to ask three designers to compete for a prize. The delusion their entries will look different. The vision to return January 14th, the delusion your audience will come back.

Tonight's Project Runway Finale Has Least Shocking Twist Ever

Brian Moylan · 11/12/09 06:02PM

If Althea, Carol Hannah, or Irina have ever seen a season of Runway before, they should know that the producers always pull something like this. If the twist is just that they have to make one more outfit, they should be more than ready for such a curveball. We would like to hope that they have to construct the whole thing out of dried cactus flowers, construction paper, and the gray hair from Tim Gunn's brush and it has to be inspired by the Anime classic Akira, but that would be way too inventive for this year. They'll probably just get more money to go spend at the fabric store and make whatever the hell they want.