
Natasha Lyonne possibly procreating

Valerie Flame · 02/28/08 01:06PM

We report, you decide. This week in baby rumors, is Natasha Lyonne preggers? Last time we stalked caught up with our favorite crazee, she looked "clean, clear eyed and smiled a lot" with Chloe Seviggasygny. Now, our stalker says she has a bun in the oven. What do you think? Not is she pregnant, but SHOULD she be pregnant? What is in store for the baby, being the spawn of a celebrity? How much will Natasha get for the pics? Sighting after the jump.

Irresponsible Rumormongering: Bloodletting at MTV Imminent

Doree Shafrir · 02/09/07 03:30PM

We're hearing that "as many as" 500 people may be let go at MTV Networks "as early as next week." And another tipster reports that "Viacom is so pissed off at MTV Networks for missing their targets and being late on their true financial estimates for the end of 2006 that they are docking every staffer's quoted bonus by at least 15 percent .... Coming from a company that has plumped up their bonus payout for the past many years, docking their resources to an 85 percent payout will hurt like crazy and prompt many of them (both junior and senior) to pack their bags." Perhaps involuntarily, it would seem. Looks like Gideon Yago got out just in time.

Irresponsible Rumormongering: Happy New Year, New York Daily News!

Emily Gould · 12/27/06 02:15PM

And here's hoping it's a healthy one, too. Especially because, well, you just got way shittier health benefits — we hear that an internal memo routed a few weeks ago that announced a New Year's switchover from gold-plated Oxford to middling Aetna. Liked your old doc? Too bad — she's probably not on the new plan. Any Daily Newsies want to confirm, deny, or just bitch about Morty's latest bout of grinchiness? You know where to find us.

Irresponsible Rumormongering: Who Is the 'New Yorker' Perv?

Doree Shafrir · 12/21/06 03:10PM

Yes, yes, caveats and all that, but a tipster asked us to look into the case of the "known sexual predator" on staff at the New Yorker. All our tipster had to go on was that the predator in question was a man and that "if you saw the name, you would recognize it. " Mmmkay then! There's not much to go on, and we think fingering known Internet porn addict (but not known sexual predator!) David Denby would be too obvious. So who is it? We can't stomach the idea of David Remnick as a known sexual predator, so we're knocking him out of contention just, well, because, but please do tell us whom you think the likely culprit is, and we'll out the motherfucker post-haste.