
Don't File Your Taxes at Liberty (Or Any Other Storefront Chain)

Andy Cush · 04/15/16 04:16PM

Tax Day is Monday, America. I hope you filed your return already, and can spend the weekend enjoying the sunny weather, unstressed about your civic obligation to fill government coffers. If you haven’t, don’t worry: you still have three days. A word of advice, however: don’t file with Liberty Tax Services, which has seen an alarming number of stores shut down over alleged misconduct lately.

IRS: Martin Shkreli Owes $4.5 Million in Unpaid Taxes

Brendan O'Connor · 02/11/16 04:45PM

Last month, the Internal Revenue Service filed a federal tax lien against Martin Shkreli, alleging that he owes the government quite a bit of money—$4,628,928.55, to be precise.

Gutting the IRS Is a Remarkably Bad Idea

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/15 10:48AM

The IRS—the department that collects all the money that funds everything the U.S. government wants to do—is being slowly gutted. What could go wrong?

Adam Weinstein · 05/27/14 10:45AM

You are allowed to be mad at an IRS agent for saying you owe $330,000 in back taxes. You are not allowed to leave him phone messages saying you will "torture the agent, rape and kill the agent's wife, injure the agent's daughter and then finally kill the agent."

Michelle Dean · 03/25/14 01:37PM

The dreams of those agorist Bitcoiners who still hoped that their digital currency could evade the taxman are finally dead. The IRS hath spoken. They will treat Bitcoins as property, which means self-employment and capital gains taxes may apply to your stash. Call an accountant for further details, folks.

Cord Jefferson · 09/17/13 07:41PM

Do with this as you wish, but it could be a trap: "Budget cuts are hurting the Internal Revenue Service's ability to go after tax cheats, the agency's inspector general said Tuesday."

IRS Head Says Close Scrutiny Wasn't Restricted to Tea Party Groups

Cord Jefferson · 06/24/13 07:16PM

After six weeks of conservative handwringing about reports that the IRS was unfairly targeting Tea Party groups seeking tax-exempt status, the new head of the federal tax body is suggesting that it wasn't just right-wing groups being inappropriately scrutinized.

Cord Jefferson · 05/16/13 04:16PM

An internal IRS memo circulated today revealed that Joseph Grant, head of the tax bureau's tax exempt and government entities division, will retire next month as the IRS continues reeling from an abuse-of-power scandal.

White-Haired Obama Has "Complete Confidence" In Eric Holder

Ken Layne · 05/16/13 12:31PM

Barack Obama and a visiting foreigner just had a press conference, but nobody cares about the other country (Turkey?) because there are scandals afoot in Washington, so everything's about Eric Holder always doing terrible things. Eric Holder is Obama's friend. So he won't be fired unless all of this doesn't go away in the next couple of news cycles.