
How Julia Allison Lured Jack McCain Into Her Web

Ryan Tate · 12/23/10 10:36AM

It's true: Julia Allison is dating John McCain's son Jack. And the dalliance will bring the internet famemonger long-lost levels of attention, despite protestations to the contrary. Her camera has certainly been busy.

Jack McCain's 'Towel-Head-Killing' Brophy Crew

Nick Denton · 09/10/08 01:13PM

To distract voters from their disaffection with Republican policies, the McCain campaign has focussed shamelessly and brilliantly on personality and pedigree. You want a "community organizer" (boo!) or the descendant of a long line of warriors? Now even John McCain's children—like those of his running mate—have been summoned to the cause: daughter Meghan told the Today Show yesterday that only her family could understand war; and wife Cindy trumpeted the family's military tradition in a primetime convention speech last week. "Our son, Jack, will graduate from the United States Naval Academy next year—fourth generation—ready to do his service." But these polished family narratives also draw uncomfortable attention, as the Palins are discovering—and the McCains may also. For that Scots-Irish warrior spirit, somewhat mellowed in the old man, may run a little too undiluted in Jack McCain and his friends. Someone going by the name of the candidate's son called for the killing of "towel heads" on a friend's blog much as John McCain once railed against the gooks in Vietnam, as we'll show below.