
Conservative Investigator James O'Keefe Reveals Shocking, Exclusive Details About His Own Dumb Plan to Take Down George Soros

Andy Cush · 05/20/16 04:30PM

The right-wing rabble-rouser James O’Keefe made his name by secretly recording stunts designed to uncover the supposedly sinister machinations of progressive institutions. So there’s some poetic justice about the way he accidentally broadcast his plans to conduct a sting against a prominent billionaire liberal philanthropist: by running his mouth when he didn’t realize he was on tape.

Is Ratfucking Journalism Dead?

Adam Weinstein · 07/08/14 02:20PM

James O'Keefe's latest video exposé is another selectively edited pooch-screw. A conservative kids' blog gets blasted for paying political operatives and snowing sources. A bowtied bro and his protegé, who's trying to do the Tea Party a solid, get played by Cuban spies. The right-wing gotcha industry is in disarray!

Adam Weinstein · 05/22/14 02:17PM

Not news: James O'Keefe has a new gotcha video that stings such important Hollywood luminaries as Ed Begley Jr. Also not news: James O'Keefe's new gotcha video is deceitfully edited bullshit.

James O'Keefe Employs a Convicted Felon

Liz Farkas and Matthew Phelan · 03/07/14 12:30PM

Investigative prankster James O'Keefe III has made himself famous by bringing out the apparent seamy side of liberals' most trusted institutions. Through Project Veritas, a nonprofit organization he founded in 2010 to capitalize on and continue his hidden-camera attacks on ACORN and Planned Parenthood, O'Keefe has produced sting videos suggesting criminal or antisocial tendencies among staffers at NPR and in Medicaid offices, and most recently among Obamacare navigators.

Adam Weinstein · 02/13/14 03:20PM

The former executive director of Project Veritas, conservative ratfucker extraordinaire James O'Keefe's investigative outfit, is suing O'Keefe and the company for "wrongful termination," alleging breach of contract and defamation. Hopefully, there's a highly doctored video involved somehow.

James O'Keefe Will Pay $100,000, Apologize to Former ACORN Employee

Taylor Berman · 03/07/13 07:55PM

Journalism school laughingstock and expert jazz hands practitioner James O'Keefe will pay $100,000 and apologize to a former ACORN employee who was fired after being featured in one of O'Keefe's 2009 "sting" videos. The heavily-edited videos were successful, in that they led to a congressional investigation that eventually shutdown ACORN, netting O'Keefe $65,000 in the process. The videos were also, apparently, illegally filmed, at least the one shot in California. Former ACORN employeed Juan Carlos Vera sued O'Keefe and his partner-in-crime Hannah Giles last year, saying the secretly recorded video violated California law that prohibits recording someone without their permission.

James O'Keefe Earned $65K for His ACORN Sting

Maureen O'Connor · 04/10/12 05:21PM

Poring over the court documents on ACORN, Wonkette discovered that Andrew Breitbart agreed to pay James O'Keefe and his ACORN sting video co-star Hanna Giles a combined $120,000. Apparently James got a grand total of $65,000 for his "life rights," but Giles got cut off due to "a conflict of visions" after receiving a comparatively scan $32,000. [Wonkette, image via]

Andrew Breitbart: Big Deal, Big Coronary, Big Corpse

mobutu & Gen. Ze'evi · 03/06/12 03:50PM

Provocateur, website founder and collector of America's largest wads of spittle Andrew Breitbart died last Thursday morning, when some sentient shred of his cardiac organ kamikazed out of an exhausted sense of justice.

James O'Keefe Is Suing the Media, Despite My Advice

Maureen O'Connor · 01/30/12 03:53PM

Laughable right-wing muckraker James O'Keefe announced today he is suing the New Jersey Star-Ledger for defamation. As a person with inside knowledge of the newly litigious mind of James O'Keefe, I'd like to state that this has nothing to do with the time a girl says he stole her panties and tried to trap her in a barn. Nothing at all. I just like bringing up the panties story because it's weird and gross. [Project Veritas, image via]

Watch James O'Keefe Get Laughed at by His Ambush Victims

John Cook · 11/10/11 11:05AM

James O'Keefe has been lurking in journalism school hallways across the country in pursuit of his latest bombshell series "To Catch a Journalist." So far, he's blown the lid off the story that some college professors like Barack Obama and that sometimes journalists drink alcohol and use bad words. When O'Keefe attempted to confront Columbia University j-school's dean of students Sree Sreenivasan with these shocking revelations in a pantomime of Mike Wallace, Sreenivasan just laughed at the poor guy.

James O'Keefe's Trip to Occupy Wall Street: The Film

Lauri Apple · 10/12/11 03:50AM

Here's your favorite conservative movie director from New Jersey who's on probation, Mr. James O'Keefe, who put on his best investment banker costume and went down to Occupy Wall Street the other day to film some protesters saying dumb or weird things. Among the folks O'Keefe and his crew ran into: a generous cake-eater, a guy who revealed that the protesters are being bankrolled by secretive union overlords, and another guy who invited him to "make a lot of money" by investing in a very real thing called the Constitutional World Federation. The constitution guy in particular is fully representative of every Occupy Wall Street protester, so O'Keefe's movie should be taken as an accurate depiction of the entire movement.

Is James O'Keefe a Fugitive?

John Cook · 10/10/11 04:38PM

As we mentioned earlier, right-wing hitman James O'Keefe was spotted lurking at the Occupy Wall Street protest in Manhattan's Liberty Plaza today. That might not be good news for O'Keefe, since he's on probation and requires the permission of a federal magistrate judge to leave his home state of New Jersey. And guess what? To judge by his court file, he never got permission. Oops.

Little Jimmy O'Keefe Blows the Lid Off Medicaid Fraud

John Cook · 07/18/11 02:41PM

Hey did you know that county-level Medicaid administrators in Ohio aren't vigorously vetting the applicants who seek their services? Thank God for James O'Keefe, the only journalist in the nation with the sheer guts to tell this bone-chilling tale of county bureaucrats failing to diligently do their jobs.