Hopeless Causes
Rebecca · 03/03/08 03:00PM
Former Conde Nast editorial director James Truman will try to save the environment by teaming up with an ex-Golf Digest man Mitch Fox. The ex-paper wasters will organize a traveling event that joins eco-technology with a Cirque du Soleil-like performances. Apparently combining green innovations with dramatized gymnastic routines takes priority over starting a media empire. [WWD]
abalk · 08/15/07 10:30AM
Media Bubble: Tumbleweeds
abalk2 · 10/17/06 10:10AM
• If you watched Katie Couric on Monday night you're in a pretty exclusive club. [Drudge Report]
• The publisher and editor of the Toronto Star have resigned. [NYT]
• There's a new head at Metro. [FBNY]
• The F.C.C. makes Sumner Redstone crap his Depends. [B&C]
• Louise MacBain sounds like a real pleasure to work for. [WWD]
Vanity of Vanities, Saith James Truman, All is Vanity
abalk2 · 10/17/06 09:50AM
There's an interesting moment in this Daily Intelligencer interview with James Truman concerning his former employers. Truman, who resigned from LTB media yesterday to cast his bread upon the waters of the media industry, is asked to compare his most recent employment to his time at Cond Nast, and replies: "How does Ecclesiastes compare with the Bhagavad Gita? One, it's shorter ..."
Breaking: James Truman Resigns (N.B.: This Is a New Item)
abalk2 · 10/16/06 12:18PMTeam Party Crash: 'Culture + Travel' Launch
Chris Mohney · 09/27/06 05:00PMMedia Bubble: The Moving Finger Wags, and Having Wagged Moves On
abalk2 · 09/25/06 09:20AM• You'll find a lot of information in this David Carr piece on how journalists are forced to act like C.I.A. agents, "encoding files, shredding notes and switching cellphones." What you won't find is any mention of the Observer, which reported essentially the same story two Wednesdays ago. [NYT]
• Nancy Grace, desperate to wrest the title of World's Most Vile Human Being from Ann Coutler, adds plagiarism to her list of sins. Ann Coulter is 45. [NYDN]
• Chris Wallace was stunned that a non-confrontational question suggesting that Bill Clinton was responsible for the deaths of 3,000 American citizens might have been taken the wrong way. [FishbowlDC]
• James Truman, footloose and fancy free, is learning to live without Conde cash. Culture and Travel launches Friday. [NYT]
• Jon Friedman wonders why H-P never tapped his phone. Maybe it's because when you write columns like "The media world is in convulsions" you're pretty much identifying yourself as someone who has no new information. [Marketwatch]
Media Bubble: Busman's Holiday
abalk2 · 09/12/06 11:00AMMedia Bubble: Was the 'Wardrobe Malfunction' Really So Terrible?
Jesse · 05/19/06 02:45PM• Networks sue FCC to make it stand up to Parents Television Council right-wing nutjobs. One can dream. [WSJ]
• Joanne Lipman wants to steal James Stewart from The New Yorker for her new Conde biz mag — which nearly has a name. [NYP]
• More books were sold in 2005 than 2004. A sales uptick for a print medium? How unusual. [NYT]
• Former Conde editorial director James Truman has a prototype for his new Culture & Travel, which is not — not at all, he says — the art mag Si wouldn't let him do. [NYP]
• Mike Wallace once tried to kill himself. [NYDN]
• Hachette to launch Shock mag next week. It's "Life magazine for the new millennium," says founder Mike Hammer, formerly of Maxim and Stuff. We suppose this means its gross pictures — such as one of a rotting human head in the first issue — are shot by Margaret Bourke-White and Alfred Eisenstaedt. [WSJ]
• In his forthcoming bio, Ed Kosner is not very nice to Mort Zuckerman. We're just shocked. [WWD]
• Jack Shafer, de facto Times ombudsman, doesn't care for Howell Raines' new memoir. [Slate]
• NYTer Sharon LaFraniere wins $25K Michael Kelly Award. [Kelly Award]
Lend Dumenco Your Ears; He Comes to Bury Truman, Not to Praise Him
Jesse · 04/03/06 12:10PM
This week cranky Simon Dumenco is, for a change, happy. Why? Because Cargo died. It's not that he's pleased people are losing their jobs; it's that he's pleased to use it as an excuse to dance on James Truman's grave. Truman was editorial director of Conde Nast for a bit over a decade, and Dumenco takes this chance to recap his career:
Media Bubble: Frustrations and Grievances Abound!
DAULERIO · 12/21/05 02:30PM
• Jon Friedman gets feisty and calls "Bullshit!" on Time and Newsweek's Person of the Year shtick. [MW]
• Jann Wenner channels Joe Francis at the company holiday party, asking a female employee to show her tits for some shiny beads. Wenner reps deny reports, but who cares?. [Lowdown]
• Former Condé Nast editorial director James Truman is feeling out New York editors to helm a soon-to-be-launched travel/culture publication for Louise McBain. Condé Nast Traveler braces for an inevitable fleecing. [WWD]
• Time Warner appoints Jeff Bewkes as new president and chief operating officer of television and movies. We still don't know who to call when our wifi craps itself. [NYT]
• OK! magazine assures everybody that their recent addition of tabloid editors are not signs of desperation for a struggling publication. Things are okay at OK!, okay? So stop asking. [NY Post]
• And then there's that half-wit, pseudo-McCarthyism involved in the White House trying to stop the publishing of the New York Times' wiretapping story. [NYO]
Remainders: Heidi Klum Gives Birth to Seal's Adorable Prune
Jessica · 10/19/05 06:00PM
• We're not sure what's more disturbing: Heidi Klum's poor little baby, or the fact that In Touch is an international publication. [The Superficial]
• Jon Fine eagerly waves his hand, screams, "Pick me! Pick me!" in an effort to get a screenwriting gig on the inevitable Judy Miller/Valerie Flame movie. [FineOnMedia]
• Manhattan is the most expensive place in the United States. Also, bear shits in woods. [CNN]
• High-profile media mogul seeks submissive gimp for office play fantasies. [Craigslist]
Heads rolling at GQ?
Gawker · 04/04/03 09:52AMNew York media party
Gawker · 05/01/02 01:19AMThe first media party since I arrived in New York, the Slate event at which Jacob Weisberg was unveiled as...