
Craigslist Congressman's Seat Won by Democrat

Max Read · 05/24/11 10:07PM

New York's 26th congressional district went to the polls on Tuesday to pick a replacement for their former representative Christopher Lee, who resigned after we caught him sending shirtless photos to women he met on Craigslist. The winner? Democrat Kathy Hochul, whose victory has been declared a repudiation of the Republican Medicare plan. Kathy! We don't necessarily expect a thank-you or anything, but if you want to say "hi," you can reach us at 646-470-4295.

Crazy Old Congressional Candidate Gets Slappy with Cameraman

Jim Newell · 05/12/11 11:09AM

The special election for New York's 26th congressional district seat — the one left vacant by our beloved Craigslist Congressman, former Rep. Chris Lee — is 12 days away, and the race is rapidly becoming hilarious. Mostly because of the rich, 78-year-old buzzard running as a third-party candidate on the "Tea Party" line, Jack Davis, whose healthy poll numbers could help deny Republicans a victory in this extremely conservative district. So who is this guy, and why is he slapping cameras?