
Commemorate 9/11 with a Repeat of 9/11

Seth Abramovitch · 09/08/11 09:09PM

Officials "are very concerned" about new information regarding a planned terror strike on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, CBS News reports, with the plot potentially targeting either New York City or Washington, D.C. The threat is "specific and credible but unconfirmed." Great. What does that mean?

Terrorism Threat at 'Most Heightened State' Since 9/11

Max Read · 02/10/11 02:50AM

"In some ways," the threat of terrorism is "at its most heightened state" since 9/11, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday. Certainly, the threat of magazine-publishing is at a very heightened state—perhaps its most heightened state—as National Counterterrorism Center Michael E. Leiter testified regarding the "spiffy" magazine from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Inspire. ("It's got great graphics," he told committee members, which is more than we can say for the Tea Party Review.)