
Janice Hates Tyra!

ian spiegelman · 05/18/08 09:53AM

"First Supermodel" Janice Dickinson favored some lucky Page Sixer with one of her patented over-sharing meltdowns the other day. Apparently, Dickinson carries around a photo she tore from a gossip rag showing fellow former model/talk show host Tyra Banks holding a copy of Dickinson's book, No Lifeguard on Duty. "Dickinson showed us the torn-out magazine photo with a caption saying Banks was on her way to speak with young girls and offer her advice. 'And she's using my book, Dickinson fumed. 'I mean, the thing looks so worn it's like she's been reading it on the toilet. It's pathetic. Where's her originality? Does she have no shame?' Dickinson, who's in talks with NBC for her own chat show, said she'll invite Banks on to confront her."

Mistakes Were Gayed

Richard Lawson · 05/12/08 03:55PM

Janice Dickinson, leonine First Supermodel and television personality, pulled a minor "gay gaffe" at Hiro Ballroom last night. Upon running into Village Voice gossipeuse Michael Musto in the can, she accidentally called him Bob Colacello. Though, I can understand the crazy woman's confusion. Even though Musto is nearly ten years younger, both he and Colacello, the Vanity Fair writer and former Warhol companion, are chroniclers of pop culture, both come from Brooklyn, both wear silly glasses, both are gay (well, Colacello is "presumably" so), and both went to Columbia at some point. Actually, I think they are the same person. Much like Dickinson is also Catra from She-Ra.

'Bulimic Coke Whore' Janice Dickinson Sure Loves Her Popcorn

Mark Graham · 04/11/08 03:30PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week (depending on volume), so send them in early and often—without them, global warming will surely accelerate at an even faster rate! Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you watched Janice Dickinson eat two buckets of popcorn during the course of just one movie.

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/01/08 12:35PM

Professional train wreck Janice Dickinson proudly displayed what made her one of the most in demand models in the 1980s. Unfortunately for Dickinson (but much to the delight of the paparazzi), she remained stuck in that position for the rest of the afternoon. Fortunately, though, this provided her with an opportunity to tell a long and rambling story about the situation reminded her of this one time she went to Studio 54 with David Bowie and Pia Zadora.

Janice Dickinson's Bulging '90s Physique Has Nothing To Do With Me, Insists Sylvester Stallone

Seth Abramovitch · 01/25/08 12:10PM

Many of our readers are probably too young to remember this, but there was a time, at the turn of '90s, when rapidly calcifying action star Sylvester Stallone and trap-jawed she-ninja Janice Dickinson were very much in love. It all ended badly, with a Versace catwalkside showdown after Sly learned the paternity of their supposed love child belonged to another man, leaving a shattered Dickinson sobbing into an oversized shoulder pad as she realized he was never coming back. Earlier this month, the modeling agency owner joined Fox News's Red Eye, where she said, "He juiced me. I'd wake up and my arm was as big as Popeye - steroids, testosterone, all that stuff that people say [mimicking Stallone], 'Hey, it's not that good 'cause you get really big, you know what I mean?" Stallone addressed the allegations on Howard Stern's show yesterday:

Disappointed Supermodels, Musical Spartans And Broken Hearts

mark · 12/17/07 09:15PM

· While lesser, fake-model-agency-running crazy people would probably allow the last-second pullout of an A-list cover model like Carlos "Mind Of" Mencia ruin their shoot, the plucky Janice Dickinson has no problem "whoring herself out" if that's what it takes to save the day.
· This pretty much made this inevitable.
· And this has made us officially excited for this. Even the Heath Ledger parts.
· A slow-healing nose job breaks thousands of teen hearts.

Janice Dickinson's "Sex Is So Strong"?

Emily Gould · 08/09/07 09:40AM

Today, Page Six is "just asking" "which aging supermodel is ensuring her picture still gets taken, despite her bad behavior and spiraling demand, by having an affair with the head of a major photo agency? The sex is so strong, friends say, the agency owner is thinking of leaving his loyal wife of several decades." And we thought about doing a poll, but then we realized that when you look up "aging supermodel" in the dictionary, there's a picture of former Top Model judge and purported "world's first supermodel" Jan Dick. Not the one on the left, though. It's this other picture.... [NSFLife!]

Janice Dickinson, Candace Bushnell Haunted By Apparitions Of All The Thousands Of Men They've Bedded

abalk2 · 02/20/07 12:10PM

The Times chose to illustrate their story on the potential XM/Sirius merger. with an A.P. photo of Candace Bushnell interviewing Janice Dickinson for her Sirius show. (RELATED: Does every third-rate lit-celeb have a satellite radio show? And then when do they write?) But as a sharp-eyed tipster noted, "The real story is that two women of a certain age are being haunted by a trendy ethnic ghost with an upturned collar." If we didn't know any better, we'd say it's Ron Galotti. Either way, kinda spooky.

Gossip Roundup: Raping Dakota Fanning Over The Coals

Emily Gould · 01/25/07 12:00PM
  • 'Hounddog,' the movie featuring Dakota Fanning's ostensibly cheeky, adorable rape scene, couldn't find a buyer at Sundance. Also, Roger Friedman complains that "There is no point that I can find to the child's rape." What, giving us all a chuckle isn't enough of a point? [FoxNews]

Remainders: Devil Went Down to CBS

Jessica · 06/06/06 06:45PM

• In honor of the devil's big day, Maxim declares that as Satan, Katie Couric deserves to be their girl of the day. [Maxim]
• Maybe we're just slaphappy — no, we're definitely just slaphappy — but we cannot stop laughing at this stupid video. You know some lonely little gay is so in love with Anna Wintour that he spent an entire week locked in his parents' basement, creating this homage for the one he loves. It's sad and completely hysterical. [YouTube]
• If you want to smoke outside on the Maritime's patio, you must be sitting down. No standing — your lungs can't handle the strain. [HotelChatter]
• The Bulgarian Bar is back! Re-opening party to be hosted by Ariel Kaminer! [Gogol Bordello]
• The Wall Street Journal declares Philly home of the cheesecake. [Philadelphia Will Do]
• When MySpace wrongs you, upload hardcore pornography. [Consumerist]
• You don't want to know this, but the truth will set you free: Janice Dickinson spent three days in a hotel room fucking Dolph Lundgren and Grace Slick. OK, we lied. The truth will just make you a little sick. [Cityrag]
• Tricia Romano crawls deep inside Mr. Black's ass. [VV]
• And don't forget, today is the National Day of Slayer. Celebrate by rocking the fuck out with the angel of death. [NDS]

Trade Round-Up: No Room For The Old At The New New Paramount

Seth Abramovitch · 12/28/05 01:45PM

· Heads at the New New Paramount continue to roll! Veteran Paramount distribution president Wayne Lewellen, described as "part of the studio's old guard," (italics ours) is sensitively drop kicked in time for the new fiscal quarter and replaced with DreamWorks' Jim Tharp. [Variety]
· A noted lead actor on a TV comedy is making his feature film directing debut in a movie about "alienated youths in suburban New Jersey." No, this isn't a two-year-old story about Zach Braff and Garden State. It's Entourage's Kevin Connolly directing The Gardener of Eden, produced by his buddy Leonardo DiCaprio. [Variety]
· Oxygen network orders 10 episodes of The Janice Dickinson Project, a reality show about the self-anointed "first supermodel," in the hopes of netting the women's network the highly coveted 50-79 "nightmare bitch" demographic that is so attractive to advertisers. [Variety]
· VH1 will launch a new show called Web Junk 20 in January, a weekly top 20 featuring the hottest viral internet videos. So basically, by the time the Chronic(What)cles of Narnia goes from SNL, to the internet, then back to TV, it will surely be as hysterical as the first time you saw it. [THR]
· A conservative media watchdog group called The American Family Association is stepping up its campaign against NBC's upcoming series, Daniel, which their website claims is about a "drug-addicted Episcopal priest whose wife depends heavily on her midday martinis," or, as it was pitched in the room, "Thornbirds meets Will & Grace." [THR]

What Would Janice Do If She Forgot Her Own Life?

mark · 08/31/05 03:51PM

For reasons that are completely inscrutable to us (really, is there no limit to people's appetite for campy crap?), some actual human beings attended "original supermodel" and reality TV personality Janice Dickinson's one-woman show, the imaginatively titled What Would Janice Do?, at the El Rey last night. The Office Monkey blog posts a review of the debacle: