
Matt Damon Is Disappeared from Fourth Bourne Movie

Richard Lawson · 10/11/10 02:54PM

Where did he go? Nobody knows. Also today: a fitting role for Al Pacino, a new enemy for Spider-Man, some bad Fran Drescher news, and an update about everyone's favorite two-namer, Kris Kristofferson.

James Bond To Learn How To Kill People As Excitingly As Jason Bourne

mark · 09/04/07 01:39PM

· Starz tries its hand at scripted programming, hoping not to jar viewers expecting to see famous faces on their rerun movies by centering its strategy around two celeb-driven half-hour comedies: one about a house-renovating TV show and one about a shrink-to-the-affordable-celebrity-guest-stars. [Variety]
· Endeavor welcomes fussy Six Feet Under funeral director and Dexter psychopath Michael C. Hall into the family. [THR]
· The just-concluded Telluride Film Festival snags 12 world premieres, including Dylan biopic I'm Not There and Noah Baumbach's Margot at the Wedding. [Variety]
· Perhaps tiring of hearing about how Jason Bourne could easily kick James Bond's ass, the producers of Bond 22 bring on Bourne franchise action designer Dan Bradley as their second unit director. [THR]
· ABC promises that it will hire a fifth View co-host soon, probably before Elizabeth Hasselbeck leaves to pop out the baby she's seemingly been carrying for two years. [THR]