
As the Late Night Drama Turns: Jokes Get Personal

Whitney Jefferson · 01/20/10 09:00AM

As the Letterman-Leno rivalry heated up when both hosts took nasty, personal attacks on each other— Conan continued to trash NBC during his limited time left on The Tonight Show. Gawker.TV's Matt Cherette rounded up all the best parts.

NBC Would Also Like to Screw Over Conan's Staff

Ravi Somaiya · 01/20/10 06:13AM

Apparently the sticking point in negotiations over O'Brien leaving the network is securing decent severance deals for his staff. To which NBC counter that they wouldn't be unemployed in the first place if it wasn't for O'Brien.

Late Night Wars Get Even More Animated

cityfile · 01/19/10 01:52PM

If you're looking to get caught up on the late-night chaos at NBC and you're fluent in Chinese, the Taiwanese production company that produced that very amusing Tiger Woods animation a few weeks ago has a new masterpiece. Conan and Jay morph into superheros about halfway through, which is sort of weird. And Jeff Zucker's animated likeness is about forty pounds lighter. But that's probably because the video shows the NBC CEO personally dragging Conan's set off The Tonight Show stage and replacing it with Jay Leno's set-up. The video is below.

The Most Hated Comedians of All Time

Mike Byhoff · 01/18/10 01:48PM

Jay Leno has become the most hated comedian in America. But he's not the only one! These comedians are also hated because they're unoriginal, obnoxious, and out of touch. But one theme ties them all together: they're not funny.

Leno's Staff: He's Not The Bad Guy Here

Ravi Somaiya · 01/18/10 05:01AM

Jay is just being "a good soldier" in the debacle between Conan, NBC and he, says a longtime producer. The chin is an innocent victim here. [AP]