
Google undresses its politics with revealing photos

Tim Faulkner · 08/13/07 12:29PM

Tech gadfly David Cassel was surprised when a Google search of "Michelle Malkin," the Asian-American Ann Coulter, displayed images of the shrill female commentator in a bikini. Full disclosure: One of them was a faked image that ran on sister site Gawker. Surely an aberration as the search engine experiments with including images and videos right on the main search results page? Ah, but a search for the original Ann Coulter, too, displayed bikini shots (also faked). What about male conservative commentators? Jeff Gannon, questioned for his White House press-conference softballs and exposed for posting nude photographs to gay escort sites, unsurprisingly, appears ... exposed. And on the left?

Right-Wing Hero Has Porn Past, Claim Gays

Doree Shafrir · 03/06/07 01:05PM

Matt Sanchez, a 36-year-old Columbia student and Marine Corps reservist, has been appearing on all sorts of conservative talk shows like the O'Reilly Factor and Hannity & Colmes, whining about being mocked for military service by those lefties up at Columbia. And then Sanchez was feted at the CPAC conference— the one where Ann Coulter made her "faggot" remark. That must have been a weird experience, since all the gays have now fingered him as a former gay porn star. (Well, we told you Ann was a huge fag hag!)