
Frequently Nude Actress to Play Sarah Palin

Richard Lawson · 03/09/11 04:46PM

Move over Tina Fey, there's a new Sarah in town. And she just might take her clothes off. Or not. Probably not. Also today: more pilot news including a Who's the Boss update of sorts, more Survivor is coming your way, as is more Zach Braff.

A Clockwork Archer

Anderson Evans · 02/04/11 01:30PM

Sterling Archer's mommy issues are to thank for his need to emulate Stanley Kubrick on last night's Archer. Enjoy this horror show clip of an animated Jeffery Tambor being mind-raped out of a romantic interest in Archer's mom.

The Archer Where Everybody Went on Strike

Anderson Evans · 03/05/10 02:16PM

Last night there was a brief appearance from Arrested Development's Jeffery Tambor, and a lot less violence than fans have grown accustomed to. With the ISIS crew on strike over cost-of-living adjustments, the big guns just couldn't get pulled out.