
Source Code: Jake Gyllenhaal Is Inside You

Richard Lawson · 11/22/10 12:13PM

Here's a trailer for Source Code, the sci-fi thriller from the director of Moon about a device that allows a military man (Jake) to enter the body of someone else for the last eight minutes of their life. Sure, OK.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 12/07/09 08:33AM

Actress Ellen Burstyn is 77. Famed financier Michael Steinhardt is turning 69. Musician Tom Waits turns 60. MIT linguistics professor, author, and activist Noam Chomsky is 81. Actor Jeffrey Wright is turning 44. NFL wide receiver Terrell Owens turns 36. Retired basketball great Larry Bird is 53. And actress Jennifer Carpenter turns 30. And singer, actor, and Dancing with the Stars reject Aaron Carter is turning 22.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 12/05/08 07:39AM

It's Amanda Lepore's birthday today! At least we think it's her birthday and we think she's 41, but she's been known to fool people before. Others celebrating today: Margaret Cho is 40. The New Yorker's Calvin Trillin is 73. Novelist Joan Didion is turning 74. Little Richard is 76. Knicks center Eddy Curry is 26. Child star Frankie Muniz turns 23. Actor Nick Stahl is turning 29. And model Shalom Harlow is 35. Weekend birthdays after the jump.

Crusading Josh Brolin To Take On Tasers, Shreveport Cops in Next Role

STV · 10/08/08 11:00AM

W. star and Shreveport jail alumnus Josh Brolin spoke up for the first time on Wednesday about his bar brawl and subsequent detention by that city's police, illustrating a Southern idyll where he was maced, co-star Jeffrey Wright was Tasered and his assistant was hauled to jail for "asking too many questions." And while Brolin and his lawyers wait for the authorities to drop the charges that require him back in court later this fall, we're finally learning exactly how not throw a wrap party in Louisiana — if you must throw one at all:

First 'W.' Teaser Paints All-Star Portrait of Happy-Go-Lucky Megalomaniac

STV · 07/28/08 12:50PM

"You're a Bush! Act like one!" So begins the heartwarming teaser for W., Oliver Stone's lighting-round satire of George W. Bush's trajectory from hard-partying Texas schlub to dynastic political ringleader. And if we ever doubted the likelihood this would be a satire, one run through the casting roll call — a montage of furrowed brows and hammy smiles clearly drawing from the influential opening credits of Benson — all but confirms the variety-show flavor of the administration's antics. From Truman Capote as Karl Rove to Thandie Newton making her best law-circumventing face as Condoleezza Rice, this is shaping up to as the shrewdest political comedy of the season. NB: If our make-up looked as half-assed as Jeffrey Wright's does here as Colin Powell, we probably would have overturned the wrap party, too. Go easy on him, Shreveport. [via First Showing]

STV · 07/15/08 02:40PM

The good times keep a-rollin' in Louisiana for the Stray Cat Gang — including Josh Brolin, Jeffrey Wright and a smattering of crew members arrested at Saturday's W wrap party in Shreveport. New reports allege Wright fielded at least one ethnic slur from an onlooker after being escorted out of the Stray Cat with unruly lighting technician Eric Felland. Brolin and company went down a little later when coming to Wright's aid — i.e. "interfering with that arrest," according to Shreveport police Cpl. Robert Elliott. Furthermore, "a rep for Brolin ... didn't say what the rehabbed actor was drinking," according to Rush and Molloy. Next up for the group: An encore on Dec. 2, when all are due back in court. Meanwhile, chalk up another incentive for filmmaking in Louisiana — the only state where you can cast, scout and produce an entire movie faster than the legal system can prosecute its stars. [NYDN]

Josh Brolin, Jeffrey Wright Hauled Off by Cops in Lifelike 'W' Publicity Coup

STV · 07/14/08 12:45PM

If we had just produced an entire feature film in about 12 days like the gang behind Oliver Stone's W, then we, too, would probably have been in a bit of hell-raising mood when it was all said and done. We're not sure if getting arrested would have been on the agenda, but we'll grant newly shorn Josh Brolin and Jeffrey Wright the benefit of the doubt, anyway: The duo, who play President Bush and Colin Powell in the film, spent some time in custody early Saturday after coming to the aid of a rowdy crew member at a bar in Shreveport, La.