
The Good Old Fashioned Loverboys of LOST

Anderson Evans · 04/07/10 12:14PM

These guys care about one thing, and one thing only. Love. The big doe eyes and gentle demeanor of Charlie, Desmond, and Daniel set to the music of Queen asks, "Could the real heroes of the island be the lovers?"

LOST: Pick Your Own Destiny

Anderson Evans · 02/02/10 10:30AM

The 'Alternate Eden' theory proves true, and it's up to you to ensure the operation was successful. You and you alone are in charge of what happens in this story. You are the final variable.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 10/08/09 06:51AM

Actor (and Michael Bloomberg supporter) Matt Damon turns 39 today. Soon-Yi Previn, or Mrs. Woody Allen, is turning 39, too. Chevy Chase is 66. Rev. Jesse Jackson is turning 68. Sigourney Weaver turns 60. Former presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich is turning 63. Director Ed Zwick is 57. Children's author R.L. Stine is turning 66. Netflix founder Reed Hastings is 49. Comic book writer Harvey Pekar turns 70. Nick Cannon is 29. Jeremy Davies is 40. And actor Paul Hogan of Crocodile Dundee fame turns 70.

'Lost' Corners Market On Haughty, Mysterious British Women

Kyle Buchanan · 01/29/09 01:10PM

Typically, we scoff at the "pop-up fact" reruns that play before new episodes of Lost. However, last night's repeat may have helped us figure out just about the only mystery left unsolved in "Jughead."