
Did Giuseppe Cipriani Flee the Country?

cityfile · 12/10/08 07:25AM

♦ Haven't seen Giuseppe Cipriani around town lately? There may be a reason for that: He's believed to be outside the U.S. since he's on probation and because Andrew Cuomo is investigating how the family managed to keep its liquor license earlier this year. [P6]
♦ Angelina Jolie has been undergoing secret fertility treatments in the hopes of becoming pregnant with twins within the next two years. At least that's what Star says. [Star]
♦ Everyone on Gossip Girl may be hooking up with each other, but at least one relationship isn't going so strong: Blake Lively was spotted making out with a guy who was not Penn Badgley. [E!, P6]
♦ Leonardo DiCaprio lost his wallet at Rolf's on Third Avenue, and Tom Cruise lost his Blackberry somewhere in Toronto. [P6, P6]

Washingtonienne Jessica Cutler Engaged

Sheila · 11/25/08 12:55PM

[Update: Below, the bride-to-be tells us how he proposed... aww.] Remember Washingtonienne Jessica Cutler? She was the young oversharing blogger who got fired from Capitol Hill because she blogged up a storm about her after-work sexual exploits—much of it with older, well-known politicos, some of it paid. Sample blog excerpts: "W = a sugar daddy who wants nothing but anal. Keep trying to end it with him, but the money is too good." She got famous on Wonkette and outed. She turned the debacle into a respectable-selling novel, The Washingtonienne, posed for Playboy, went broke, and inked an HBO deal. Then there were a bunch of rumors that she was working as an escort—or at the very least, was buddies with a madam who provided girls to Eliot Spitzer. But love is to make an honest woman out of her—she's engaged now, reports Wonkette via Reliable Source, to a dude named Charles Rubio. He's a lawyer! Let's learn more about him.

HBO's Washingtonienne: Sex And The City With A Lot More Anal

Ryan Tate · 07/11/08 07:28AM

HBO announced it was moving forward with a pilot for Washingtonienne, based on the book that lightly fictionalized Senate staffer Jessica Cutler's adventures as an anonymous blogger who took money from politically-powerful men for sex including, famously, for lots of ass fucking. The show, whose development has been previously reported, is to be a half-hour comedy. Cutler sells her body, wacky hijinks ensue, presumably. Sarah Jessica Parker is executive producing, so it sounds like it will basically be Sex And The City, but in DC. Filming is set to begin soon. Does this mean casting has already occurred? Who will play Cutler? Who will play Gawker Media alumna Ana Marie Cox (who publicized Cutler's online diary in 2004)? Vote on this critical civic issue in the comments, even if it's the only vote you cast all year! [Variety]

Washingtonienne Only a Fake Escort

Sheila · 03/31/08 09:33AM

As the Post revealed last Friday, Jessica Cutler, who first saw scandal in 2004 with her sex-on-the-Hill blog Washingtonienne (which, while it lost her a job, resulted in a $300,000 book contract), has also been linked to the Wicked Models escort agency. But Cutler told Galleycat that while she knew the escort agency's madam, she didn't work there: "I've been through all this before," she told them, rather world-wearily. In fact, she says her head had been Photoshopped onto bodies in the agency's profile pics. If you click to look a little closer, it totes does seem that way. [via Galleycat]

Jessica Cutler Owns Nearly Nothing

Choire · 06/14/07 02:40PM

Jessica Cutler, the Washingtonienne blogger who has declared bankruptcy after being sued by a former paramour, has filed new court documents about her financial situation. Some days we wonder to what our lives amount—what will we eat when we are 50? How will we ever retire? Looking into the big pink spread of Jessica's financial life fills us with a real agonizing sadness. On the bright side: Maybe she's a zen master, free from the burden of objects! Also she pays 400 bucks a month rent for an apartment just this side of Syracuse. Oh, Jesus, our future is so bleak.

abalk · 06/06/07 01:26PM

Recent congressional turnover leaves Jessica Cutler unsure about the location of her former johns. [Radar]

Doree Shafrir · 06/05/07 04:09PM

Even a lawsuit and bankruptcy filing won't stop Jessica Cutler from "working on her tan." [Jessica Cutler Online]

abalk · 06/01/07 12:34PM

Former blogger Jessica Cutler needs money for skanky clothes—and protection from creditors. [AP]

Reading With Our Hands Under The Desk

rbouncer · 12/28/06 12:30PM

In blogs, everyone's hot. You click on a page and read about someone's menstrual cycle, or the new pair of underpants they just bought, and you think to yourself, "Damn, she has to be one hot little piece." The problem we've found with blogs, however, is that some female bloggers are nowhere near as attractive as their words would have you believe. Trust us, we've met - and even dated - quite a few. In many cases, the payoff simply isn't there.

Does Jessica Cutler Need Botox?

Emily Gould · 12/19/06 03:40PM

We generally applaud the forthrightness of blog-to-book success story Jessica Cutler. So when she asks for it, who are we to say no?

Jessica Cutler Is A Smart Whore

Emily Gould · 12/06/06 09:30AM

The enormous scandale of media/actual whore Jessica Cutler's refusal to appear as scheduled at a Mediabistro panel next Monday made it to Page Six today. The mature professionals at Mediabistro, possibly upset at losing the only real blog-to-book success story on their panel (sorry, overhyped Julie/Julia) reacted to Cutler's cancellation by reminding the public that she is "someone known for exchanging sex for money," thus saving possible panel attendants the $20 they would have paid to learn "How Bloggers Get Book Deals."