
Why Did Everyone Get Upset When Barack Obama Said Poverty Made Poor White People Go Crazy Again?

Pareene · 05/09/08 12:21PM

Local politicians say it will take more than a well-decorated storefront for Obama, the Illinois senator, to make headway. "He's going to have to visit," says Bob Pasley, who adds that Obama should come prepared to answer "tough questions," including some about his religion.

"Is he Islamic or is he not?" Pasley says of Obama, who is Christian. "I know he's tried to talk about it but he hasn't looked anybody in Wayne in the eye and told them."

Sometimes It Hurts to Be Right

Pareene · 05/07/08 12:40PM

Gawker, yesterday: "Anyway we can't wait to see what new way [Maureen Dowd] comes up with of calling Barack Obama a fag tomorrow." Maureen Dowd, today: "As she makes a last frenzied and likely futile attempt to crush the butterfly, it's as though she's crushing the remnants of her own girlish innocence." Guess who the "butterfly" is. [NYT]

Emily Gould · 12/12/07 10:15AM

The subway hero who interceded on behalf of two Jews who'd been taking a beating for having had the temerity to offer up "Happy Hanukkah" as a response to "Merry Christmas" turns out to have been, of all things, a Muslim! The Post nails the nuanced situation by offering up "PEACE TRAIN" as the paper's cover today, referencing both the Q train where the situation occurred and the controversial decision of musician Cat Stevens (b. Steven Demetre Georgiou) to convert to Islam. Also, this is something that went down during the alleged hate crime: "One of the group immediately hiked up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo of Christ. 'He said, 'Happy Hanukkah, that's when the Jews killed Jesus.'" [NYP]

One In Four Americans Didn't Read A Single Book Last Year

Emily Gould · 08/22/07 09:50AM

According to an AP poll, basically no American reads any books anymore. Well, the "typical person" claimed to have read four books, with half of respondents claiming to have read fewer and half claiming to have read more. God, was The Da Vinci Code too hard, guys? What about the work of Zane, did its hot pink covers not entice you? Or the Bible, or Danielle Steel? You people could not even manage Danielle Steel?

Peering Into The Depths Of Michael Lohan's Soul

Emily Gould · 08/15/07 03:45PM

"In the yard outside his dorm, Mr. Lohan, 47, explained how he viewed his current situation. 'It's like Corinthians 5:17, 'When the Lord Jesus Christ comes into your life, the old is passed and the new is upon you,' he said." That's right: Lindsay's dad has found the Lord! Today, Spencer Morgan chronicles Michael's path to pastorhood (did you know you can take correspondence courses to be some kind of authority figure within a "faith-based sobriety program" called Teen Challenge while in prison for, uh, drinking and stuff? Wacky!) by sitting in a parked car with him and listening to him softly croon his own tragic Lindsay-themed pop songs. He's also, we learn, currently shopping a biography called 'How It All Went Down.' We have to wonder: at any time during the investigation of this piece, was Spencer Morgan deeply concerned for the fate of his own immortal soul?

Rewriting The 'Daily News': Chocolate Jesus

Emily Gould · 03/30/07 12:44PM

Cosimo Calallaro's sculpture "My Sweet Lord," which is an anatomically correct rendering of Jesus Christ made from nearly 200 lbs of dark chocolate, is provoking Catholic ire and funny headlines. The Daily News's stab? "CHOC FULL O'ANGER." Not bad! But we know you can do better. To get the ball rolling: