
When's the Rightest to Fire Someone?

Sheila · 10/08/08 03:40PM

In today's multicultural, politically correct workplace, large swaths of the year are de facto off-limits for firing people. It's cruel to let them go right before holidays—so Christmas is out, as is New Year's. Then there's Ramadan, Hanukkah... oh, and you probably shouldn't fire a black person on, say, Martin Luther King day. Also, check the calender to make sure it isn't the laid-off employee's birthday. Really, there's no good time to fire someone. In the middle of their shift? At the end of the day? When their mom has cancer? But whatever you do, you really shouldn't fire someone from a Jewish website today, on the eve of Yom Kippur:

Team Party Crash: Jewcy Launch Party @ Ars Nova

abalk2 · 12/20/06 03:30PM

Last evening, as the days grew ever closer to Christmas, we decided to investigate whether Judith Regan's allegations of a Jewish media cabal were true, and so we headed to the launch-slash-holiday party for More than one person has informed us that Jewcy is the "Jewish Slate" (a moniker which we find almost redundant, but never mind), and the scene at the Ars Nova penthouse (more on that later) was appropriately intellectual Jew-y, with some low-cut-dress-wearing shiksas thrown in for good measure. We sent along Gawker Associate Editor Doree Shafrir, herself a member of the Jewish media cabal, and resident Gawker photographer Nikola Tamindzic , himself a celebrator of Orthodox Christmas, which isn't even in December, to see what was what.