Arab Israeli Guilty of Rape for Telling His Date He Was Jewish
Richard Lawson · 07/21/10 01:16PMGlenn Beck Reminds Us That Jews Killed Jesus
Richard Lawson · 07/15/10 03:14PMObama, Netanyahu Put On Elaborate Friendship Ritual for Press
Jim Newell · 07/06/10 04:41PMJewish 'Michael Jackson' Gets One Year in Jail for Hustling
Jeff Neumann · 06/30/10 07:29AMMeshuggenah State of Mind: 5 Jew Inspired "Empire State of Mind" Parodies
Matt Toder · 06/10/10 11:15AMHelen Thomas to Israeli Jews: Go Back to Germany, Poland
Jeff Neumann · 06/05/10 03:09PMToo Many Jews on the Supreme Court, Says Pat Buchanan
Maureen O'Connor · 05/14/10 03:30PMMeet the Last Jew in Afghanistan
Max Read · 05/10/10 10:31PMThe Hilarious Jewish Merchant Joke an Obama Adviser Told to a Room of Jews
Adrian Chen · 04/26/10 09:37PMWhat Happens When You Google Someone Who's Remotely Famous?
Remy Stern · 03/30/10 10:52PMKosher for Passover: The Internet's Best Passover-Related Videos
Matt Toder · 03/29/10 12:30PMTonight is the first night of Passover, the Jewish holiday commemorating the Israelites' exodus from bondage in Egypt. It's a holiday with a little something for everyone: Plagues! Miracles! Matzah! Inside, the best Passover-related videos the internet has to offer.
Biden to Eat Too Much Horse Radish, Cry During White House Seder
Adrian Chen · 03/28/10 10:30PMWe Do Not Think Those Words Mean What You Think They Mean
John Cook · 03/26/10 04:42PMSportscaster Mike Leiderman is the Newest Old Jew Telling a Joke
Mike Byhoff · 03/15/10 10:40AMBar Rafaeli Should Dump Leo and Date a Nice Jewish Boy, Says Bubbe Mafia
Maureen O'Connor · 03/11/10 04:53AMJewish Thugs are Exactly Why The Millionaire Matchmaker is Needed
Mike Byhoff · 01/20/10 02:01PMTomorrow Should Be a Lovely Day for a Nude Bike Ride, Don't You Agree?
cityfile · 12/18/09 02:14PM
Some bicycle-loving Brooklyn residents are furious about the city's recent decision to eliminate a bike lane in Williamsburg. (It was done to appease members of the neighborhood's ultra-Orthodox community, who objected to the spandex-clad cyclists in their midst, apparently.) The biking enthusiasts aren't standing down, though.