Jill Biden's Long, Unintentional Description of Joe Biden's Penis Earns Cheers from Crowd
Max Read · 09/21/12 02:17PMDelightful NASCAR Fans Boo Michelle Obama
Max Read · 11/20/11 04:28PMFirst Lady Michelle Obama was a NASCAR Grand Marshal at today's Ford 400 (so was her sidekick, Second Lady Jill Biden), so she naturally received a warm welcome from patriotic NASCAR fans. Kidding! She got booed.
Barack Obama Made More Money Than You Did Last Year
Jim Newell · 04/18/11 02:18PM
The White House has released Barack and Michelle Obama's 2010 tax returns! These grifters really cashed in, too: $1,728,096 in adjusted gross income, mostly from book royalties. How much did you poor slugs make last year in the last remaining American profession, selling handjobs outside the T.G.I. Friday's? Probably not $1,728,096 in adjusted gross income! We need a fellow poor guy like Donald Trump in the Oval Office, soon.