Are gadget critics above criticism?
Owen Thomas · 07/05/07 04:52PM
New York Times technology columnist David Pogue is a not-very-critical critic — except, possibly, when it comes to his own biography. Pogue, or someone claiming to be him, is in fact editing his own Wikipedia entry. And every sign points to it, in fact, being Pogue: The poster's IP address,, has been removing anything negative about Pogue and making other curiously detailed revisions to the entry since June 30. Here are the details that suggest it really is Pogue.A search on reveals that the IP address belongs to Optimum Online, a broadband ISP, and is located in Norwalk, Conn. That's suspiciously close to the Stamford, Conn. address where Pogue has his domain name registered. And the Wikipedia user at that IP address has noted information about Pogue that's not easily verified, like the fact that he studied computer science at Yale. It's a major no-no to put information that can't be attributed to other sources on Wikipedia, whose users insist on linking only to publicly available information. It's also a major faux pas to edit your own Wikipedia entry; even Wikipedia founder Jimbo Wales has gotten in trouble over such a move. The only remaining question: Could the thin-skinned Pogue really have made such a dunderheaded move?