
From A Pothead Doctor, Supposedly

Ryan Tate · 03/06/08 08:05PM

"A lot of doctors smoke. I think it's more common than people realize, particularly among young doctors. It doesn't affect my ability to think, but I do find myself searching for words a lot more than I previously had to, and my memory is kind of hazy. I never forget patient information, though." [Time Out New York]

High Standards

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/08 01:56PM

"Congratulations! You are one of the select few who have included a cover letter with their application. This puts you in great position for the opening and we look forward to meeting you."—A response from HR at the old-school mega ad agency Grey, to a recent job applicant. Most ad people are too creative for cover letters. [The Daily Biz]

Job Opportunity

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/08 02:15PM

5WPR, the agency led by Ronn [sic] Torossian, is looking for an executive assistant. The ad specifies that "Candidates must be fluent in English and well-spoken." Because their boss sure won't be! Hi-yo! [Craigslist]

Vegas Bouncers Make More Than The President

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/08 12:15PM

Life is good when you work at a nightclub hot enough to host Paris Hilton's birthday party. Doormen at Pure, the biggest club in Las Vegas, are said to clearing up to half a million dollars per year [Las Vegas Review-Journal]. And that's before whatever extras they can sell, nahmean? Unfortunately for them, it's also before taxes; on Wednesday the club got raided by the IRS.

Famous Musician Offers Job For Stupid And Crazy People

Ryan Tate · 02/12/08 05:59AM

A famous, rich musician of the "urban" flavor, who also works in movies, is offering an assistant job so simultaneously awful and demanding that anyone who agrees to take it is, by definition, unqualified. It will appeal only to the insane, the retarded and the pathologically insecure, and yet its requirements could only be met by an as-yet-undesigned cyborg or human-animal hybrid. Full ad here, highlights after the jump. Is Hiring

Mark Graham · 02/11/08 07:12PM

Howdy. By now, you've certainly read the news that Mark Lisanti is moving on at week's end. That's the bad news. The good news — good being a relative term in this circumstance — is that we are actively looking for a few good candidates to round out our stable here at Defamer. Specifically, we are looking to hire a small handful of talented writers, of either the aspiring or proven variety, who have the ability to cut a unique swath through all of the tired bullshit and who can consistently deliver insightful and entertaining pieces about the accursed industry that consumes our souls when it isn't already claiming our firstborn. Ideal candidates will have strong, original voices as well as a close familiarity with the machinations that make Hollywood and the culture of celebrity go `round.

Wanted! Part-Time Freelancers For Full-Time Crap Jobs

Maggie · 02/08/08 12:05PM

Oh dippy Gourmet magazine, with your oxymoronic job ads. There's no such thing as a "full-time freelance" job, sillies! Not that the Condé Nast magazine is alone with this shifty little recruitment tactic, designed to get the most out of contractors for as little as humanly possible. So bothersome, those taxes and benefits. More exploity media job ads after the jump. Apply at your own risk!

Exiting MTV Lady Prez Started As Freelancer, Is Thanked For Giving The World 'Celebreality'

Maggie · 02/08/08 09:58AM

MTV president Christina Norman called it quits yesterday, announcing her decision at a council meeting. "Something about 'the company being in a good place,' but wanting some 'time for herself,'" a source said. In a longwinded email to staff, MTV Networks president Van Toffler extolled Norman's virtues, praising her as the "architect" of "VH1's rebirth" who "gave the world 'Celebreality,' along with 'Hip Hop Honors,'" which is very nearly as noble as curing cancer! You've got to hand it to Norman for surviving 17 years at MTV, where she started as a freelance production manager: "Yes, freelance," Toffler writes. See permalancers? You too could maybe possibly someday be a somebody! Yay! Just make sure you don't get sick, because then you're totally screwed. Full announcement after the jump.

In Totally Unstunning Development, Karl Rove Joins Fox News

Maggie · 01/31/08 07:43PM

Oh, well, why the hell not. Karl Rove is the newest contributor at Fox News, according to Drudge, who says the former Bush advisor will be "likely used throughout Super Tuesday coverage." We can't wait for his dispassionate and not at all demonic insights.

'Interview' Editor Sischy Is Out Of The Country, Not Her Job

Maggie · 01/10/08 04:32PM

Cancel those ends of days-Ingrid Sischy isn't leaving Interview, she's just on vacation with Sir Elton John. In South Africa. Naturally! The magazine's executive editor Brad Goldfarb tells us it's a "long-planned" annual trip and that he's been working with Sischy by phone all week. She'll be "back at her desk Monday," he said. Phew! Also, never mind!


Nick Denton · 01/07/08 03:51PM

We need some photoshop work done quick, for a piece on Lou Dobbs. Email (Could turn into a regular gig.)

The oldest blogger pay structure of all

Pareene · 01/03/08 11:21AM

"Words Without Borders, an online magazine for literature in translation, is looking for writers with a distinctive voice and point of view to blog literary festivals, readings around town, and international literary and translation news. Literary bent, reliability, a good grasp of grammar, and global cosmopolitan outlook a must. ... Contributions can be frequent or more occasional upon mutual agreement. 6 month commitment minimum. ... If you are unfamiliar with our magazine, please read it first to get a sense of what would fit with our content: We are a general interest magazine. Position is unpaid."

All The Jobs Are On The Internet

Choire · 12/13/07 05:50PM

The New York Times is hiring, hiring, hiring! You can be a freelance writer even—that is, for "online content startup" LifeWire, which, when it launches, will provide "original and syndicated lifestyle content to Web publishers." You can be a "business producer," a confusing title for what actually sounds like an entertaining job—it's one of those newfangled jobs where you're a packager and a photo editor and a triage nurse and actually a journalist too. There's a travel and style editor job to oversee web producers; an open blog producer job at New York/Region; a homepage producer. That's a lot of hiring for a paper that's having its first layoffs in a while! Is Hiring

Noah Robischon · 12/13/07 12:30PM

Blogs such as Gawker won't be running 5,000-word-long features any time soon, nor giving writers weeks to investigate. But the web—other blogs, search engines and social network sites—increasingly rewards original items. So we're looking for an additional reporter for the team.

Is Time Inc.'s Hiring Craze Actually Not-So-Good News?

Maggie · 12/04/07 01:05PM

Time Inc. seems to have many many job openings all of a sudden! The company is looking for a chief marketing officer along with sales, marketing and finance staffers. In the past week, its magazine properties (especially Essence, and Real Simple) have been advertising heavily—for executive assistants, ad salespeople, event planners, and online production folks. Fortune just launched their redesign, and CNN/ is pouring money into online videos, according to Crain's. Given that it's a stressy time for publishers, and also the irritating fact that where there's a hire, there's often a fire, we're wondering if these titles are planning to balance their budgets by slashing some of their print and newsroom-only support staff in the next month? Could be! Hey, everyone else is doing it! We're all ears!

'AMNY' Wants Dating Columnists; Does Not Want Julia Allison

Maggie · 12/03/07 04:50PM

It seems that amNewYork is hiring dating columnists, but if you're anything like their former dating columnist Julia Allison, don't even think about applying. Says the ad: "We're looking for serious writers who can wax on a weekly topic with spunk and flair. We want several columnists who can sprinkle their stories with personal experiences, but also interview others (including experts) to round things out. Carrie Bradshaw wannabes need not apply." [Ed2020]
Earlier: Julia Allison Has An Opening That's Perfect For You!

Which 'Major' Magazine's PR Director Is On The Prowl For An Assistant?

Maggie · 11/30/07 04:40PM

"Major magazine looking for an assistant to supporting their Director of Public Relations," reads this Craigslist ad, posted this afternoon. The position, which is either a "fantastic opportunity" or an "excellent opportunity" (Perhaps both excellent and fantastic! Probably neither!) entails working "side-by-side with some of the top industry professionals in PR and publishing." Also it's a six-month contract job, because God forbid anyone hire anyone ever. This "major" magazine has offices in both L.A. and New York, which narrows it down to quite few. Could Vanity Fair's Beth Kseniak be hiring? (Maybe if you get the job she'll let you clean up the parking lot after the Oscar party!) Vogue, W, and Details are also possibilities. It's Friday afternoon and we got nothing—any ideas?