
A Few More True Stories from Amazon Workers

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/13 01:30PM

Yesterday, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post. This seems like as good a time as any to roll out a few more true stories from the Amazon warehouse workers who make the whole machine go. Jeff Bezos wouldn't be here without them.

What Is Life Like For an Amazon Worker?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/13 11:48AM

One of these days— maybe sooner, maybe later, but definitely one of these days—Amazon will become the new king of retail consumerism in America. We know what it's like working for Wal-Mart and Target. But what is life like for the faceless workers that make Amazon go?

The Fast Food Industry Is the Deadest of Dead Ends

Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/13 04:01PM

It's the American dream: start out as a wretched fry cook at McDonald's, and— with plenty of pluck and hard work— work your way up to owning your own McDonald's one day. A new study quantifies just how unrealistic this idea is.

Part-Time Is the New Full-Time

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/13 08:52AM

America's Part-Time Recovery, in which the regular jobs that were vaporized in the Great Recession are replaced with shitty part-time jobs, is working out beautifully for the noble job creators. Thanks to a combination of high unemployment, the looming Obamacare law, and greed, it appears that for many workers, part-time status is the new normal.

Wal-Mart Employees Rip the Company on Its Own Internal Website

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/13 11:00AM

Wal-Mart, a $254 billion corporation, is so terrified of its employees sharing their true workplace stories with us that it's purchased ads on Google and Twitter expressly targeted at our readers. On its employee website, the company also asked workers to share positive stories. Here are the comments they got.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/13 08:52AM

Brooklyn created nearly half of New York City's new jobs in the past 12 years— four times more jobs than in Manhattan. Could Brooklyn be the next "cool" borough where people with money go? You heard it here first.

Wal-Mart Is Scared of These True Stories From Its Own Employees

Hamilton Nolan · 07/11/13 01:00PM

Earlier this week, we published a new installment of our occasional series of true stories from Wal-Mart workers. The company was so displeased with its employees speaking publicly that they posted a plea on an internal website asking other employees to send us positive stories. We've gotten quite a few stories. But most aren't positive at all.

Five Things We Learned About Unemployment

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/13 12:33PM

Our "Unemployment Stories" series went on for 40 volumes over the course of a year. You can read them all here. If you'd like a Cliff's Notes version of what we've learned about unemployment in America, a few thoughts are below.

Do Criminal Background Checks Hurt More Than They Help?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/13 10:36AM

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing two companies— BMW and Dollar General— alleging that their use of criminal background checks for employees violated the Civil Rights Act. Are criminal background checks, honestly, worth a shit?