
Kissinger on Joe Millionaire

Gawker · 03/06/03 09:36AM

Tina Brown's Times column is so recognizable, they don't even feel the need to print her byline anymore. (You should just know it's TINA!) This week's highlight: Henry Kissinger ponders Joe Millionaire. "It's puzzling," he says, "that women want to compete for such a dunce." Added bonus: Tina quotes LL Cool J lyrics.
Americans are from Mars; Iraqis are from Venus [Times2]

Joe Millionaire

Gawker · 02/13/03 08:55AM

A scoop from a reader: "...since there's all this rumouring about a surprise twist at the end of Joe Millionaire (and supposedly a twist that even current audiences don't know about), one can't help but wonder if the twist is going to be the revelation to the bride-to-be about Joe Millionaire's rather rash (no pun intended) behaviour in his Paris days and the consequent medical history that he really ought to be disclosing to anyone who intends to remove his belt..."