Dave Winer said we give "blacks" too much power; Touré said sterotypically black leaders aren't allowed much power at all; and Tila Tequila celebrated the power of a new contract. The Twitterati had control issues.
A Twitter engineer said Google's new "Chrome" OS is something you resign yourself to; a CNET writer said it's something you are infected with; and Mediaite might hang out awkwardly on Tumblr with it. The Twitterati were ruthless.
Alex Blagg can't let go of unwatched movies; Molly McAleer wants to smack some kids; and Susan Orlean transmitted some liberal schadenfreude, via retweet. The Twitterati were feeling guilty about their feelings.
Rick Sanchez is apologized for the lack of shameless pandering on CNN; Diablo Cody Twittered about therapy and Rafe Needleman lamented the silent passing of an historic moment. The Twitterati needed catharsis today.