
Kyle Buchanan · 09/23/08 06:35PM

Dog Poop Lawsuit, Settled! Yesterday, we brought you the news that comedian Dane Cook was refusing to vacate the apartment he was evicted from, claiming that if he moved out, he would lose the spiritual influence of former tenants John Belushi and Steve Martin forever. Perhaps sensing that his argument was flimsier than the plot of My Best Friend's Girl (though more original), Cook's lawyers have now appeared in court to state that Cook has abandoned his appeal. He also has agreed to pay his landlord an undisclosed amount stemming from the original argument that prompted the eviction: that Cook never picked up the his pet dog's excretions. To be fair, who would ever expect Cook to be well-practiced at shoveling shit? [TMZ]

Dane Cook's New Dog Poop Lawsuit May Be Funniest Work of His Career

Kyle Buchanan · 09/22/08 05:30PM

It's been a rough weekend for Dane Cook: after being publicly shamed by our own Molly McAleer, the comedian saw his romantic comedy My Best Friend's Girl tank at the box office. Now, TMZ is reporting that thanks to his incontinent dog, Cook has been evicted from his apartment — though his attempt to fight the ruling may have provided us with the beleaguered actor's first amusing work in years:

Bernie Brillstein, 1931-2008

STV · 08/08/08 01:00PM

Legendary talent manager and producer Bernie Brillstein died Thursday after months of battling complications from heart disease; he was 77. Credited with influential (and lucrative) deals for clients including Jim Henson and the geniuses who brought you Hee Haw, Brillstein was perhaps best known for nurturing John Belushi's rising star before his own devastating death in 1982.From his start in the William Morris mailroom to his powerhouse partnership with Brad Grey, Brillstein needed three memoirs just to sort his stories out; as such, we don't even know where to start on our favorites here. Would it be his fatherhood of the "executive producer" credit he established while packaging and selling hit shows? His insatiable appetite and fantastic lust? His shepherding of Animal House and The Blues Brothers through Universal and early defense (maybe even rescue) of Saturday Night Live from the NBC ax? Or it could be any number of the other stories referenced and cross-referenced between Variety, a particularly fun tribute at Tabloid Baby ("I’d like to fuck that Drew Barrymore. Oooh.”) and Nikki Finke, who notes that Grey and Lorne Michaels are arranging a memorial service for Brillstein next week. Consider this our own: Thanks for the memories, Bernie — even Hee Haw. You'll be missed. [Photo Credit: WireImage]

Hot Chicks In Togas? Why, It Must Be An 'Animal House' Party

T-RO · 07/30/08 06:00PM

As we noted at the Los Angeles Film Festival, Animal House is turning 30 this year. Thankfully, this is one of the few pop culture movies that I can say I was too young too truly remember. Vague images of John Belushi and togas linger in my waterlogged, alcohol-soaked brain, but I'd never experienced the phenomenon that is the John Landis-directed flick first-hand. With promises of beer and babes, I headed to the Bergamot Station Arts Colony, a 16,000 square foot facility where the Writer's Boot Camp is located. Founded by Jeffrey Gordon, Writer's Boot Camp, besides drilling in the basics of Structure and Exciting Incidents into the minds of many aspiring screenwriters, also hosts parties. This one delivered on its promise to bring together members of the cast and crew, including Landis himself, to a panel discussion. Also: did you know that it's possible to talk about Animal House for TWO HOURS?Making my way through the gargantuan Colony, I stopped and took a picture of a "Junker Garden," an art project by Farmlab. A Mercedes filled with dirt and plants. Très cool.

Chris Rock Explains How 'Chippendales' Killed Chris Farley

Molly Friedman · 04/21/08 07:20PM

As we learned recently, SNL's Chris Farley was far from coddled or loved during his final years by fellow cast members. And now, a new biography on Chris Farley titled The Chris Farley Show will divulge more depressing tales from friends of Farley and how exactly they went about attempting to help the struggling addict get better (hint: they didn't). From former co-stars dishing on his desperate attempts to be loved using prostitutes to anecdotes involving his habit of licking everything from his shoelaces to his wallet, one revelation made by Chris Rock stands out: