John Carter is a Movie About a Man Named John Carter, According to John Carter
Rich Juzwiak · 06/06/12 11:00AMJohn Carter, the instantly infamous Disney bomb and possible co-assassin of Taylor Kitsch's career, sees its home-video release this week. It's kind of worth checking out just for the disastrous spectacle of it all, but if you're busy and don't want to watch two-plus hours of a multi-pronged civil war on Mars (aka Barsoom), which a white man crashes and then out-indigenouses the indigenous people, I've distilled everything you need to know about it. The video above is every instance of people saying the titular character's name throughout the film. They say it a lot. It's branding gone bad.
Is Taylor Kitsch's Blockbuster Movie Career Already Over?
Rich Juzwiak · 05/21/12 10:54AM
2012: The year that Hollywood took a chance on Taylor Kitsch and failed miserably. John Carter cost an estimated $250 in production alone and returned about $72 million domestically since its March 9 release. Battleship opened this past weekend to the lowest domestic opening numbers ever for a film with a budget with $200 million or above: $25.3 million. The film cost an estimated $209 million to make.
The Hunger Games Slaughters the Competition for Our Entertainment
Louis Peitzman · 03/24/12 01:20PM
That movie no one will shut up about is setting new records already — The Hunger Games' $68.3 million opening gives it the biggest opening day of any non-sequel, and the fifth-biggest opening of all time. Midnight showings accounted for $19.7 million of the film's take, which gives you a sense of how devoted fans of this series are.
Disney Will Lose $200 Million on John Carter
Louis Peitzman · 03/20/12 12:23AMJohn Carter Proves No Match for The Lorax
Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 12:24PMJohn Carter: A Hunky Earthling Takes Over Mars
Brian Moylan · 12/01/11 10:17AM
The only thing I like more than a special effects-heavy sci-fi action movie set is a special effects-heavy sci-fi action movie where the male protagonists don't wear shirts. Behold John Carter, where stunningly topless Taylor Kitsch fights crazy creatures, little green men, and the hordes of women (and gays) that will be lusting after him once it comes out.
John Carter: Taylor Kitsch Blasts Off
Richard Lawson · 07/15/11 09:51AMHere's a trailer for Disney/Pixar's (yup) John Carter, a space epic based on Edgar Rice Burroughs's old-timey Barsoom pulp novel series. This is to be Taylor Kitsch's big star-maker, so will it work?