
How You Could Have Saved Michael Jackson

Ryan Tate · 06/26/09 05:40PM

The Twitterati were obsessed with the less brilliant Michael Jackson: His most brain-dead lyrics, his worst video moments and his awful neglect at the hands!

Inside the Bacchanalia

Megan McCarthy · 09/24/07 06:15PM

Valleywag readers deliver. Earlier today, we asked for photos from the hedonistic gathering thrown by Electronic Frontier Foundation cofounder John Perry Barlow on Saturday night. Lo and behold, in popped these cell phone shots, purported to be from the event, sent to us without any explanation or description of the party. Though we think they speak for themselves. We don't recognize any tech luminaries among the garters and facepaint, though commenter GinaMuchava suspects there was at least one in attendance. Anyone have any more info? A copy of the guest list would be much appreciated. After the jump, an additional view of the event.

John Perry Barlow's bacchanal on Clayton Street

Megan McCarthy · 09/23/07 11:02PM

John Perry Barlow, pictured, the former lyricist for the Grateful Dead, cofounder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and one-time roommate of Valley bad boy Sean Parker, threw a party Saturday as a benefit for The Center for Sex & Culture. It's too bad this invitation arrived late, because the party sounded like a doozy, with the promised attendance of "Famous porn stars, infamous porn stars, and miscellaneous sluts." Does anyone who went have a report? And pictures please? The long, insane, and hilarious invitation after the jump.