
'John Boehner: Stop Using My Dad's Name as a Punchline, You Asshat.'

Max Read · 11/02/10 12:31AM

Republican House minority leader John Boehner has been using a dumb—trust me, really dumb—line involving Johnny Cash in some recent speeches. Cash's daughter Roseanne doesn't think much of that. And she let Boehner know, by calling him "asshat."

Five-Year-Old Channels His Inner Johnny Cash

Spencer Lund · 01/14/10 10:00AM

Something about this little boy singing the lines "I shot a man in Reno / Just to watch him die" absolutely tickles us. No word on whether Joaquin Phoenix owes her something on the back end.

What Celebrity Had No One Ever Better Fuck With?

Nick Douglas · 04/03/08 01:29AM

I'm listening to Johnny Cash today, and suddenly I feel like I don't entirely like this guy. Thankfully I realize I just don't care for his early work as much as his later stuff, because if I honestly didn't like Johnny Cash, who would ever sympathize with me? You can't criticize the man in public. Even the Beatles aren't that unassailable. So I wonder, who's the most unassailable modern celebrity, someone almost everyone genuinely loves? Cash? Jon Stewart? Meryl Streep? Mr. Rogers? Judi Dench? [Photo by Shredcity]