
Oh, No ... It’s You Guys Again

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/12/08 11:35AM

Click to It must’ve been a case of déjà vu for actor Jonah Hill as a photographer sneaked up on him again while jogging in Hollywood. However, this time around, the photographer did not tempt Hill with cupcakes or other delicious treats. Instead, the photographer was more interested in Hill’s beard and simply asked, “What’s the deal with the beard, dude?” Hill explained that he was growing the beard because he’s going to do a guest spot on Deadliest Catch as well as to make a stab at credibility. Hill said, “Philip Seymour Hoffman has a really nice beard growing there. He’s pretty well respected. Maybe, if I had one of those things, I’d be able to do more dramatic work. Something intense or maybe a part as Nick Nolte’s crazy long lost son.” [Photo Credit: Splash Pics] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

The Busiest Boys In Hollywood

Richard Lawson · 08/14/08 08:35AM

Oh look. Another Judd Apatow-related semi-sweet comedy. This one's called Role Models, and it features Apatow fixtures old (Paul Rudd) and new (Christopher "McLovin'" Mintz-Plasse). These people are the busiest dudes in the business. We know that comedic actors tend to travel in packs-like the old SNL posse (Murray, Martin, Akroyd) and the Ben Stiller/Vince Vaughn/Will Ferrell group-but these gents seem especially tight-knit and disarmingly productive. We're not sure where they get the time, but studios seem eager to throw millions at a bunch of comedies that can be filmed fast and cheap and Apatow and co. seem happy to dance for the nickels. Paul Rudd must never see his kid. Our Photoshop whiz Steve Dressler has put together the chart above, giving you an idea of the guys' large workload.

Diablo Cody and Seth Rogen Late Additions to 'Upstart Screenwriter Clout Day'

STV · 07/16/08 06:00PM

It turns out we may have attributed the day's Screenwriter Dream Come True to Justin Theroux too soon — we hadn't yet browsed the news that Steven Spielberg anointed Diablo Cody to adapt another one of his stories as a comedy for DreamWorks, and we hadn't heard Seth Rogen's indirect riposte to the idea that he and his colleagues should deign to working with... well, he just tells the story better:

Hollywood Privacywatch: Eli Roth Sucks Face At 'The Happening'

Seth Abramovitch · 07/03/08 02:45PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by the loyal readers of Defamer. We'd like to remind you that this feature is powered by you, so if you want to see more installments of PrivacyWatch, then all you've got to do is to send us your sightings. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you saw Eli Roth sucking face with a teenager when he should've been watching Schindler's List The Happening.

Vanity Fair Curses A New Generation of Demi-Stars

mr.guyball · 07/01/08 12:37AM

During the warm, lazy days of summer, Vanity Fair likes to turn its attention to Hollywood, declaring some actor or clutch of actors the future of entertainment. It rarely ends well. This time they've taken something of a shotgun approach, naming 27 young actors, aged 15 to 26, to be the brightest stars in Hollywood. I'm sure if they expanded things a little more, to say, everyone in California under the age of 30, they'd be certain to catch a winner in the bunch. Actual names, and the dreaded fates of those previously tapped by V.F. after the jump.

Planned '21 Jump Street' Revival Brings Jonah Hill Closer Than Ever to Heartthrob Status

STV · 05/14/08 01:00PM

Now that we've confirmed their likenesses beyond any reasonable doubt, the only thing left to wonder about Jonah Hill's planned feature adaptation of 21 Jump Street is whether or not he can pull off Johnny Depp's smoldering charm as Officer Tom Hanson, the undercover cop whose high-school crime-fighting exploits lasted four hit seasons on Fox in the late '80s. Sony, which is handling the movie version, confirmed only to Entertainment Weekly that Hill has been hired to write and executive produce; he has not officially been cast in any role, but if Depp's shoes indeed prove too sizable for Hill, there's always the Peter DeLuise part. Or, if he's feeling a particular lack of ambition, he could try Richard Grieco's doomed Dennis Booker.

More Trailer Leakage: Indy's Back! (Again.)

Seth Abramovitch · 04/30/08 08:00PM

· We continue with today's theme of leaked, bootlegged trailers of the summer's most anticipated blockbusters with the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, set to premiere before screenings of Iron Man this Friday. Dare we say, it's a vast improvement over the first. Indy's back, everyone! No, seriously. Indy's back—it just gave out on him. Medic! []
· Is "closet chef" Jake Gyllenhaal planning on opening his own restaurant before he turns 30? Sign us up for one Dreamy-Eyed Tasting Menu with Naggy Girlfriend Wine Flight! [Big Hospitality]
· Good news: Roger Waters's pig has been found! Bad news: In pieces. Good news: Bacon for everyone! Bad news: It tastes like polyurethane. []
· Is Transformers 2 about to get a much-needed injection of menstrual-blood humor? One can only hope. [Cinematical]
· Hey—dogs into unicorns! [Archie McPhee]
· Oops...We almost forgot to salute our man Will Leitch over at Deadspin, who on HBO's Costas Now last night withstood a spittle-storm of invective from Buzz Bissinger, author of Friday Night Lights and owner of a rocking set of he-breasts. [Deadspin]

Jonah Hill Is Workin' on His Fitness!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/25/08 07:30PM

Forgetting Sarah Marshall star Jonah Hill's initial baby steps into a regular work out routine were thwarted by a nosy photographer. Hill politely asked if the photographer could leave him alone, seeing as how Hill had successfully finished his first block. Unfortunately for all parties involved, the photographer said no and offered Hill the halfway melted Snickers bar in his SUV. Hill continued on his walk, but the ever-persistent photog asked if Hill wanted to make a run to Crumbs in Beverly Hills, adding in that it would be his treat. Hill sighed and continued on with his power walk, then muttered, "Any other day, I'd be there. But you know, I'm working hard not to be the Artie Lange of the Apatow gang."

Not Cool, Dude

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/11/08 04:20PM

Much to his dismay, Jonah Hill was ironically photographed at the premiere of Forgetting Sarah Marshall standing in front of the word "FAT", which appears on the somewhat clever / somewhat annoying posters for the movie. The photographer chuckled rather loudly after taking the picture and considered the photo to be a wake up call in light of recent events like portly comic Artie Lange's recent departure from the Howard Stern show. Hill thought it was unnecessary and uncalled for, seeing as he's just trying to have a good time at the screening.

Dudes Night Out! Watch Out, Shiksas!

Douglas Reinhardt · 03/18/08 03:20PM

With the way things are going in Hollywood these days, studio executives and movie producers should be treating this trio (okay, well maybe just Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow) like they are the two guys who know the secret formula for Coca-Cola. You know, don't put them in the same room at the same time (let alone fly together), just in case something happens. The impact that a Day The Music Died type of plane crash would have on the Los Angeles economy could be worse than the Writers' Strike and the potential Actors' strike combined. Let alone the crippling impact it would have on those clothing companies that sell t-shirts with quotes from Apatow produced films. Not to mention, all the dudebros and frat guys who would be left to their own devices to come up with something clever to say instead of quickly dispensing a zinger from one of their films. For all of our sakes, please travel separately from here on out, stoners!

Tonight In The Benihana Mainroom: The Comic Stylings Of Six-Year-Old Adam Grossman

Seth Abramovitch · 03/17/08 08:20PM

· If Jonah Hill's movie career doesn't pan out, he can always headline mid-sized Vegas showrooms as Andy Milonakis: Insult Comic. [SNL]
· Mischa Barton's next project, the straight-to-video Closing the Ring, features the actress crying in an attic bedroom, wearing a period hairstyle, and completely naked. If that's something you might be interested in, here's an image gallery. [Egotastic]
· Heather Mills is awarded $48.7 million of Paul McCartney's $800 million fortune. We pray this is the last we'll hear of this, but suspect it is not. [Fox News]
· And finally, ladies, we ask now that you remain composed. Please keep your screaming to a minimum. Oh, fine—we give up! The men of Flight of the Conchords, almost naked in the pages of Maxim! []

Which Celebrity Herb-Lovers Tell All In New Pot Tome, Man?

Molly Friedman · 03/11/08 12:35PM

Thanks to Judd Apatow's loveable stoner humor and the mass excitement caused by the impending Harold and Kumar sequel, it seems that pot and pot-loving celebs are inching closer and closer to mainstream acceptance. But news of which stars contributed tips to celebrity stoner lit's latest entry, Pot Culture, has us harkening back to the days when Bob Dylan and Woody Harrelson gave long-winded interviews to High Times. Though the names aren't exactly A-list, the pieces of advice on how to get merrily mellow are far more creative than any pothead logic we've ever heard. Find out who lays out DIY instructions on how to construct your own gravity bong, who demonstrates the always-reliable apple bong technique, and who gets away with lying to their husband about her toking habit by covering up the smell with lip gloss after the jump.

Diane Lane Braves Century City Mall On A Holiday Weekend

seth · 12/11/07 04:20PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Alice Cooper buying a box of vitamin-fortified Hitler-O's at the Rose Bowl Flea Market.

The Judd Apatow Repertory Players Take In A Screening Of 'The Room'

seth · 08/28/07 02:00PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted The Office's Toby exactly the way he should always be seen—nearly naked and sopping wet.

Revisiting Jonah Hill's Pee-Stained Rap Sheet

seth · 08/13/07 04:15PM

Poised on the precipice of his own breakout moment, Jonah Hill (née Jonah Hill Feldstein) may seem at first to merely be the latest manifestation of Hollywood's current love affair with doughy and nonthreatening Semitic writer/actor/comedians. Leave it to the stack-delving snoops at The Smoking Gun, then, to uncover Hill's checkered past, as it turns out the Superbad star was arrested last year for relieving himself just a urine's-stream away from the Jimmy Kimmel Live studios: