
Gawker stalker: reported celeb sightings

Gawker · 04/21/03 12:59PM

· "Famous" blogger Jonathan Van Gieson: "1:08pm: Caught a glimpse of myself, reflected in the window. Further updates as events warrant.
· Maggie Gyllenhaal - Sunday, April 13 - Bedford Ave and N. 5th - "Appears to be the tallest girl alive. Skinny, but not the scary skinny of a model. Wearing a long black sort of wrap, with trench coaty accents. Seems to have gotten the 'Williamsburg Special' haircut while in the nabe."
· "I went to The Mighty Wind and sat next to Tim Curry who is shorter than one would think and bearded. He laughed his ass off."
· San Francisco: "Andy Dick, with entourage, Haight Street, Saturday afternoon."

Peeps take Manhattan

Gawker · 04/21/03 11:50AM

Blogger JVG's friend Xina provides documentary evidence of giant marshmallow peeps taking over Macy's. I guess we all knew it would come to this.

New Jersey

Gawker · 03/22/03 02:38PM

A friend of blogger Jonathan Van Gieson asks a pressing question: "Who built New Jersey? Drunk monkeys?" The answer, in my expert opinion: Yes. But who cares? It's Jersey. [Ed. notewe're running short on non-war news today.]
A sobering thought [JVG]

Debunking JVG rumors

Gawker · 03/08/03 02:10PM

Jonathan Van Gieson sets the record straight:
· I did not accept $100,000 to debate Bob Dole on 60 Minutes.
· I am not having an affair with Drew Barrymore.
· I have not yet turned down the title role in the new Superman movie.
· My tearful rebuttal will not air on the Fox Network.
Now that I'm famous: rumor control [JVG]

Scene from last night's Gawker launch party: Jonathan Van Gieson

Gawker · 02/12/03 10:24AM

Jonathan Van Gieson suggests that I jump on the couch and scream obscenities so I have something scandalous to put on Gawker. Me, alternatively suggesting that Jonathan jump on the couch and scream obscenities so that I have something scandalous to put on Gawker. Neither of us jumping on the couch and/or screaming obscenities.

JVG covering for Lockhart Steele

Gawker · 01/31/03 10:05AM

Lockhart's out of town, so the famous Mr. Jonathan Van Gieson is covering for him. So far, the posts seem very much in keeping with the usual format.

Smoking ban workarounds

Gawker · 01/28/03 02:52PM

From JVG: "according to No Ass O'Barkeep, the "giving employees a minor ownership stake" smoking-ban workaround won't work; the exception only applies for bars in which each partner owns 33.3333% or more."
The gallivants of fame [JVG]

JVG's Saturday night

Gawker · 12/23/02 09:12AM

Jonathan van Gieson has high standards. He drops into Urge, Park, Sway and Grace, notes they are all names of one syllable, messes with strangers my name is Brain watches his friend give the brush-off to a Westchester guy with a fake British accent that's not going to happen. Verdict on the night: solid, but by no means epic. In case you're wondering, no, there's no reason you should know JVG. He's just a guy with a website. Gawker: so obsessed that it makes the celebrities up.
Now That I'm Famous [JVG]