
Ben Carson's Dispatches From Jordan: Syrian Refugees Love It Here

Ashley Feinberg · 11/28/15 11:33PM

Coming off fresh from an incident in which he compared the Syrian refugees to “rabid dogs,” Ben Carson is now spending the week in Jordan, where he apparently plans to make up for his capacious lack of any sort of foreign affairs experience whatsoever with a few strategic head pats. And what has Dr. Carson learned so far? Apparently, the refugees don’t even want to come to the U.S. in the first place.

Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Jailed in Jordan for Facebook Post

Brendan O'Connor · 02/15/15 01:40PM

The deputy head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, Zaki Bani Rushaid, sentenced on Sunday to 18 months in prison for "acts harmful to the country's relations with a friendly nation," the New York Times reports. In November, Bani Rushaid had posted a message critical of the United Arab Emirates, one of Jordan's regional allies, to his personal Facebook page.

Jordan Agrees to Trade Terrorist to ISIS in Exchange for Captured Pilot

Aleksander Chan · 01/28/15 09:25AM

The Jordanian government announced Wednesday that they have agreed to release prisoner Sajida al-Rishawi in exchange for the release of Moaz al-Kasasbeh, the 24-year-old lieutenant captured by ISIS last month. Al-Rishawi has been imprisoned since 2005 for her involvement in the al Qaeda attack on Amman that left 60 people dead.

Sexy New Obedient Wives Club Not a Hit With Everyone

Lauri Apple · 06/05/11 01:49PM

Ladies, listen up! By learning how to serve your husbands "better than a first-class prostitute" can, you can help end human trafficking and domestic violence. So say leaders of the Obedient Wives Club, a new activities group whose sex lessons curb social ills and also please God.

This Robot Teaches Itself to One-Up You

Andrew Tarantola · 05/19/11 01:16AM

The nerve of robots these days. You go to the trouble of showing one how to throw a ball through a hoop (sure, you missed a time or two, but you're human — it's expected) and the cheeky little bastard goes and improves upon your demonstration until it's sinking shots like Jordan. Researchers at the Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory at EPFL in Switzerland, have developed algorithms that robots can use to analyze your half-assed skyhook. The robot then figures out both what you're trying to do and what you're doing wrong (besides not being Dr. J) before perfecting its own technique. No word yet on whether it has learned the art of trash-talking, but once it does, rest assured it's gonna kick your ass at that too, sucka.

Possible Da Vinci Code Prequel Unearthed

Max Read · 03/30/11 02:06AM

Who wants to read ancient books made of metal? Scientists, that's who! And some of them are very excited to get their hands on these particular ancient metal books, which might "be more significant than the Dead Sea Scrolls."

Real Queen Needs Your Best Arab Insults

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/08 03:32PM

Queen Rania of Jordan is very concerned about people's stereotypes of the Arab world. So she's turning to the world's utmost authority on ignorant stereotypes: YouTube commenters. The model-beautiful queen has posted a video reaching out the ignorant masses, asking them to send in stereotypes "they've heard," so she can "break them down one by one and address them." Hope you have a lot of free time, your highness! "I really appreciate that the queen herself speacks in you tube as a regular human being.Besiades, I couldn´t agree more with whay she says," writes one supporter. Us too! Her full plea to YOU, the racists, after the jump.