
The U.S. State Department Ignored a Letter From Joseph Kony

Andy Cush · 09/23/15 09:23AM

A former U.S. Marine with extensive ties in Uganda says he made contact with brutal African warlord and international fugitive Joseph Kony this month, but was ignored by the U.S. State Department when he forwarded a letter Kony wrote expressing interest in a “peace process” with the U.S.

Here is the Kony 2012 Sequel: Beyond the Meltdown

Leah Beckmann · 04/05/12 09:32AM

And we're back with the second installment in the Kony campaign saga, Kony 2012: Beyond Famous. This time the video focuses on Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey, rather than fallen angel of masturbation Jason Russell. In fact, other than a few grainy images and a handful of brief mentions, Russell is missing from the video completely.

Bill Maher Spins the Kony 2012 Story Forward

Matt Toder · 03/16/12 10:20PM

As Bill Maher put it on tonight's Real Time, making Kony famous without bringing him to justice isn't enough. By just making him famous, we put him on the regular celebrity track in this country which includes getting his cell phone hacked, hooking up with other celebrities and eventually getting into politics.

'These Are All White Men': Northern Ugandans Watch KONY 2012

Max Read · 03/14/12 02:22PM

Here's an al-Jazeera story about a public screening of the KONY 2012 video in northern Uganda. It doesn't go over very well. "As the film progresses, puzzlement turns to anger," says al-Jazeera's Malcolm Webb. The crowd is critical: "There are some kind of people who are trying to mobilize using the atrocities committed in northern Uganda," says one man. "We wanted to see our local people who were killed. These are all white men, different from northern Uganda," says another. It's worth checking out al-Jazeera's project "Uganda speaks," which is gathering text messages in support or opposition of the campaign from Ugandans.