Josh Radnor Shows Off His Juggling Skills on Late Night
Whitney Jefferson · 03/02/11 01:00PMHappythankyoumoreplease: The Return to Garden State
Richard Lawson · 01/12/11 05:38PMCBS Forces the HIMYM Cast to Show Their Love for the Show
Matt Toder · 01/05/11 11:29AMWhat a conveniently timed little piece of PR this is: the cast of HIMYM talking about how much they love the show. It's got laughs and earnest talk and you just know CBS forced it in response to Monday's episode.
HIMYM Season Finale: the 5th Doppelganger is Found, Robin's Heartbreak, and Ted Goes Blond
Whitney Jefferson · 05/25/10 12:26PMAs predictable as it was, last night's season finale of HIMYM tied up its 5th season as well as anyone could expect. Marshall and Lilly are hoppin' on the baby train, Don's leaving for Chicago, and Ted went blond.
HIMYM Reveals 4th Doppleganger at Robots Vs. Wrestlers
Whitney Jefferson · 05/11/10 12:41PMThe gang attended party filled with notable media-folk (like Will Shortz and Arianna Huffington) where Ted felt he'd found his people, Lily and Marshall addressed their baby-fever, and most importantly, headed to "Robots Vs. Wrestlers," where they discovered Ted's look-alike.
Napoleon Dynamite Has Eaten His Last Tater Tot
Richard Lawson · 03/30/10 09:20AMRyan Reynolds Is Buried Alive and Natalie Portman Dates a Little Kid: News from Sundance
Richard Lawson · 01/25/10 12:29PMDid How I Met Your Mother Take a Jab at Julie Chen?
Whitney Jefferson · 01/20/10 12:17PMPrejean Unravels, Tyson Erupts & LiLo's Latest
cityfile · 11/12/09 07:30AM
• Did you catch dethroned beauty queen Carrie Prejean's hissy fit on Larry King Live last night? It was awkward TV at its finest. [TMZ, YouTube]
• Mike Tyson had a meltdown of his own yesterday. When a paparazzo got a little too close for comfort at LAX, Tyson dropped the photog to the floor with one punch to the face. Both men were later arrested. [LAT, NYDN]
• The latest recorded phone call courtesy of Michael Lohan has Dina Lohan telling her ex that "time is running out" for Lindsay and she's started drinking again. As for how LiLo feels about having her dad air the family's dirty laundry: "My father knows nothing other than now to sell stories for money instead of getting a real job like normal people do, including myself." Lindsay is a normal person with a real job? Who'd have guessed? [Radar, MSNBC]
• Marc Jacobs and Lorenzo Martone were supposed to get married over the summer. But it never happened and now Martone says the couple's decided to wait until after the holidays to tie the knot. "Who wants to get married during a busy season like this? I don't want my friends having to use their lunch break to get me gifts." How thoughtful! [P6]
Happy Birthday
cityfile · 07/29/09 06:33AM
Project Runway host and all-around fashion guru Tim Gunn turns 56 today. Fashion designer Cynthia Rowley is turning 51. Publishing heiress Anne Hearst is 54. ABC News president David Westin is turning 57. Artist Jenny Holzer is 59. Choreographer Paul Taylor turns 79. IBM chairman Sam Palmisano is turning 58. Hotel owner Sam Chang turns 49. Patti Scialfa, the singer, songwriter, and wife of Bruce Springsteen, is 56. Filmmaker Ken Burns is turning 56, too. Actor Josh Radnor turns 35. Stephen Dorff is 36. And Tony Sirico, who played Paulie Gualtieri on HBO's the Sopranos, celebrates his 67th birthday today.