
Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/15 04:30PM

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, who was paid $20 million last year, acknowledged today that “income inequality has kind of gotten worse” in the past 20 years, but said that inequality is mitigated by the fact that “20 years ago... People didn’t have iPhones.”

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/15 09:25AM

JPMorgan Chase will reportedly pay at least $125 million to settle state and federal investigations into illegal debt collection methods. Compared to some of the other stuff they’ve done lately, that’s not bad! Give Jamie Dimon another raise.

How JPMorgan Robbed a Church

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/15 12:15PM

A church that gave its money to JPMorgan Chase to manage says that the bank robbed it blind. Here is a useful window into how legalized robbery on Wall Street works.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/14 08:02AM

New York mayor Bill De Blasio says JPMorgan Chase's request for $1 billion in public subsidies for its new Manhattan headquarters is "a nonstarter." He said nothing about arresting Jamie Dimon for having the temerity to even ask. De Blasio's revolutionary credentials remain an undecided topic.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/11/14 08:41AM

JPMorgan's profit fell by 19% in the first quarter of this year, despite the fact that they just gave their CEO a raise, which should have fixed everything.

Hamilton Nolan · 02/26/14 11:41AM

Two thousand JPMorgan employees will soon be moving into Brooklyn. Brooklyn just, uh, keeps getting cooler.

Of Course Jamie Dimon Got a Raise

Hamilton Nolan · 01/24/14 10:02AM

If you are a "normal" person with "common sense" values who doesn't always "get" the way that Wall Street works, here is a very simple lesson.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/14 09:31AM

Billions of dollars of legal costs related to endless findings of wrongdoing cost JPMorgan Chase only 27 cents per share in the fourth quarter. The company's profits fell to a mere $5.28 billion in the past three months. The bank is no doubt severely chastened by the serious consequences for its misdeeds.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/14 09:19AM

JPMorgan has agreed to pay a settlement of $2.6 billion for charges related to the bank's failure to stop Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme. In the past two years, the bank has paid close to $30 billion in legal settlements. That number is smaller than JPMorgan's profits, so Jamie Dimon will never get fired.

Cord Jefferson · 11/14/13 06:35PM

Six weeks after CNBC's Maria Bartiromo scoffed at Alex Pareene for attempting to discuss JPMorgan's shady dealings in China, the New York Times again reports that U.S. officials are scrutinizing JPMorgan to ascertain "whether the bank swapped contracts and jobs for business deals with state-owned Chinese companies."

Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/13 01:01PM

"A former JPMorgan Chase banker who managed Bernard Madoff's account said the con man was on track to receive a $200 million loan less than a month before his arrest." Whoops.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/13 03:48PM

Federal prosecutors are reportedly seeking a guilty plea on "at least a single criminal charge" from JPMorgan in relation to allegations that the bank purposely turned a blind eye to Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme.