Judah Friedlander Gives Lessons on How to Kick Butt on Lopez Tonight
nightintern · 11/03/10 02:48PMJudah Friedlander Talks 30 Rock, Promotes His New Book: "How To Beat Up Anybody"
nightintern · 10/25/10 11:14AMHow to Remake '80s Movies the Right Way
Brian Moylan · 03/23/10 02:38PMModels Playing Ping Pong at Susan Sarandon's Club Will Save Haiti
Adrian Chen · 01/20/10 10:17PMThis Is How Tracy Morgan Likes to Be Paddled
Brian Moylan · 10/30/09 09:33AMJudah Friedlander: Broadway at 50th Street
Robespierre · 05/01/09 10:15AMSeth Abramovitch · 01/25/08 03:53PM

Always eager to oblige a reader request, we threw together this side-by-side of Judah Friedlander and Alice in Wonderland's Walrus that we suggested earlier for the Disney Dream Portrait seres. As we suspected, it was an inspired casting choice, as the two bear an uncanny physical resemblance. With that settled, now all we need is to determine who'll play his companion, The Carpenter. Our vote is for Seth Green. [Defamer]