
Juniper Networks No. 2 on his way out?

Owen Thomas · 10/24/08 03:40PM

We hear Spencer Greene, long the right-hand man of Juniper Networks chairman Scott Kriens, is on his way out. Not entirely surprising, since Kriens was recently replaced as CEO by Kevin Johnson, a former top Microsoft executive. Our source tells us Greene is currently on a two-month "vacation" — the source used scare quotes — overseas.

Kevin Johnson's multimillion-dollar consolation prize for losing Yahoo

Jackson West · 07/29/08 05:00PM

How much does one get for bungling an acquisition of Yahoo and leading a huge investment in Facebook at a questionable valuation? For former Microsoft VP and new Juniper Networks CEO Kevin Johnson, it's at least $8.2 million in salary and signing bonus, plus 1.6 million stock options and a shot at 350,000 shares in performance-tied stock grants over the course of four years.Not to mention thousands more in relocation assistance such as covering the closing costs and paying mortgage interest on a new home near the company's Sunnyvale headquarters. No longer having to report to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer? Priceless. (Photo by AP/Elaine Thompson)

Would-be Yahoo conquerer always welcome in Yahoo cafeteria, says exec

Nicholas Carlson · 07/24/08 11:40AM

Kevin Johnson, the former boss of Microsoft's former Platform and Services Division, had to have thought he'd be moving to Sunnyvale this fall under different circumstances. Instead of riding into Yahoo HQ as a conquering hero, Johnson will take over Juniper Networks, a maker of fine and very boring networking hardware. Conveniently, however, Juniper is just around the corner from Yahoo. One senior Yahoo exec tell us that Johnson should feel welcome to join them for a latte at Beantrees: "Juniper Networks HQ is located 2 blocks from Yahoo’s HQ in Sunnyvale. So he can eat at our cafeteria!" Above, we've provided a Yahoo Map with walking directions to make the trip that much easier. Welcome to Silicon Valley, Mr. Johnson.

Street Talk

cityfile · 07/24/08 05:01AM
  • Ford announced an $8.7 billion loss for the second quarter—its worse ever—and an $8 billion write-down. [NYT]

Microsoft exec who led Facebook investment, Yahoo bid departs for Juniper

Paul Boutin · 07/23/08 06:20PM

"The departure of Kevin Johnson, president of Microsoft's Platforms and Services Division, will be combined with a reorganization of the business unit, which houses both the online services business and Windows software for personal computers," reports the Wall Street Journal. Johnson was a rarity in Microsoft's top ranks — a business guy who rose up through Microsoft's sales organization, not a technical whiz kid who served as a special assistant to Bill Gates. He was seen as a possible successor to CEO Steve Ballmer. Instead, he's joining Juniper Networks, a telecom equipment maker. (Photo by AP/Elaine Thompson)

Microsoft appoints outsider to run Office business

Owen Thomas · 01/10/08 06:58PM

Are Microsoft's second-tier executives all second-rate? Apparently. Microsoft has just tapped Stephen Elop, the COO of Juniper Networks, to run its Business division, which includes the highly profitable Office suite. Elop, the former CEO of Macromedia, is a good fit. But his hire sends an unwelcome message to up-and-comers within Redmond: Keep toiling away, but don't aspire to run one of Microsoft's great franchises. Bill Gates can find someone better than you elsewhere. Which should be as good a signal as any for them to start leaving.