
Well Deserved: Jesse Metcalfe Punched

Richard Lawson · 02/08/08 02:12PM

I'm not a violent person, but some people are just asking to be hit. Like the annoying and untalented Jesse Metcalfe, who played a constantly shirtless gardener on Desperate Housewives and a constantly shirtless basketball player in John Tucker Must Die. Look at those abs! Seriously. Look. At. Them. I think it's good for the world that he took one right in the baby-faced kisser outside a Los Angeles club last night. [Daily Mail] Picture (again, with abs!) after the jump.

Joshua Stein · 11/15/07 04:03PM

Serendipity 3, the home of the $1,000 sundae, was shuttered by the Department of Health after an inspector found mice, mice droppings and "over 100 cockroaches." Oh, so that's what the crunchy topping was because I was wondering! [Yahoo]

Ramsay Promises But Doesn't Deliver

Joshua Stein · 07/03/07 02:10PM

The winners of Gordon Ramsay's "reality" tv show "Hell's Kitchen" actually didn't get their promised cushy jobs, reports the Post.

Amanda Hesser Has Lots Of Friends

Joshua Stein · 06/11/07 01:20PM

Cookbook author, wife of Tad Friend and food editor for the Times magazine Amanda Hesser has a history of logrolling. Some serious culinojournalistic contretemps occurred when she gave Jean George Vongerichten's Spice Market three stars back in 2004 BB (Before Bruni) seemingly as a thank you for the cheery blurb the chef lent to her book Cooking for Mr. Latte. An acrimonious squall ensued. The Times was forced to print a sheepish Editor's Note and Hesser, who was seen as the heir apparent to the critic's post William Grimes recently vacated, was remanded to the Magazine. And now she's back, baby! In hot water, that is.