
Romney and Gingrich Let Santorum Win Kansas

Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 03:50PM

It's Rick Santorum's turn to win a caucus, and he is close to doing that in Kansas. Granted, this process of selecting a Republican presidential candidate is not a turn-based system, but in this case, Santorum does owe his competitors a debt of gratitude for giving him a big leg-up.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback Is a Huge Crybaby Snitch

Max Read · 11/25/11 09:29AM

Sam Brownback, the Republican Governor of Kansas, is an enormous wussy mama's boy tattletale. How do we know? Because a member of his staff literally went to the principal when a high-school student Tweeted that he "sucked."

Enjoy Hitting Your Spouse? Move to Topeka

Lauri Apple · 10/07/11 09:47AM

The city of Topeka, Kansas, which is broke because it exists in America, maybe won't prosecute domestic battery anymore because those cases are too expensive. City officials want the county district attorney to handle them now. But the DA just said last month that he's not going to prosecute any misdemeanors committed in Topeka at all, due to office budget cuts.

Foo Fighters Dress Up Like 'Truckers,' Protest 'God Hates Fags' Church

Lauri Apple · 09/17/11 02:24PM

Before their concert in Kansas City (the Missouri one), the Foo Fighters treated a bunch of Westboro Baptist Church picketers to a free concert that was actually a counter-protest against the church and its hatred of everything and everyone, especially The Gays. For the occasion, the Foos dressed up in the outfits they wear in their "Hot Buns video," in which they supposedly play either stereotypical truck drivers or stereotypical artists from Bushwick.

This Supercut Isn't in Kansas Anymore

Matt Toder · 12/16/10 01:55PM

"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" is a film line so iconic that it's been repeated, referenced and tweaked many times. How many and in which films or TV shows? Now there's an answer.

Ladies… Addicted to Porn? This Church Will Save You

Jeff Neumann · 05/03/10 04:36AM

Megachurches aren't generally known for their openness toward sexuality (just ask Ted Haggard!). But a Kansas church now runs a support group that helps perverted women beat their porn addiction: "God created sex. But the enemy has twisted it."

Things to See in Kansas

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/10 10:37AM

Greensburg, Kansas is building a $3 million museum to accompany its "Big Well," a 32-by-109-foot hole in the ground. But that's not all: "There's a composting toilet on display in an empty field, and a solar-powered shower as well." [WSJ]

Tornadoes Rip Through Kansas

ian spiegelman · 05/24/08 11:23AM

Tornadoes devastated Kansas for the second day in a row yesterday. Here is some video of the event. Now be grateful you live somewhere nice and sunny with access to a beach. That is, if you do live in a such place. I do. But I'm locked in my apartment!

Sacha Baron Cohen Plays First Gay Man To Visit Kansas

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/08 10:16AM

Sacha "Borat" Baron "Ali G" Cohen is working on his upcoming flick about his character "Bruno," the supergay Austrian fashion reporter. Since everyone on both coasts (except for Ben Affleck) is obviously too familiar with his work to be punked, Bruno has traveled to the heart of flyover land, Wichita, Kansas. Where he was captured on film doing supergay stuff! His act reportedly "almost looked like pornography," at least to Kansas sensibilities. After the jump, video [via Towleroad] of Bruno and his funky pants dance, which brings joy to the dreary confines of the Wichita terminal.