
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 10/07/09 06:45AM

Joy Behar, the View fixture and host of her own show on HLN as of last week, is turning 67. Former Merrill Lynch CEO Stan O'Neal turns 58. American Idol judge Simon Cowell is 50. American Idol winner Taylor Hicks is 33. John Mellencamp is turning 58. Toni Braxton turns 41. Rachel McAdams is 33. Nation editor-in-chief Katrina Vanden Heuvel is celebrating her 50th. Famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma is 54. Russia's most powerful man, Vladimir Putin, is 57. Sex columnist Dan Savage is turning 45. Tico Torres of Bon Jov turns 56. Nobel Prize-winning activist and cleric Desmond Tutu is 78. And Oliver "Ollie" North turns 66 today.

Dan Abrams Is One Sensitive Fellow

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/09 02:21PM

Haha, unshaven website-launching PR man Dan Abrams went on his old network, MSNBC, today, and some lady tried to "lecture" him about the media! Hey lady, shut up!

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 10/07/08 06:31AM

The View's Joy Behar turns 66 today. Maybe she and her fellow co-hosts will take a break from bickering for long enough to eat some cake. Others celebrating: American Idol's Simon Cowell is 49. Taylor Hicks is 32. Toni Braxton is turning 40. John Mellencamp is 57. Rachel McAdams is turning 32. Cellist Yo-Yo Ma is 53. Vladimir Putin is 56. South African icon Desmond Tutu is 77. And Nation editor Katrina Vanden Heuvel is 49.

Katrina Vanden Heuvel

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:32PM

Vanden Heuvel is the editor, publisher, and part-owner of liberal bastion The Nation.

'Nation' Ed Won't Cross Picket Line For Colbert

Pareene · 01/04/08 10:04AM

Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel just became maybe the first invited guest to publicly decline to appear on a strike-hobbled Colbert Report, which returns to the air without its writers on January 7. It's going to be a sad January for a lot of liberals totally unaware of their dogmatic humorlessness. [NYO via No Fact Zone]

Tony Snow And Waverly Inn Chef Will Explain Magazines

Joshua Stein · 10/19/07 01:10PM

Former White House spokesbot Tony Snow will be the keynote speaker at the American Magazine Conference in Boca Raton, Florida at the end of the month. Men's Health editor David Zinczenko, the AMC 2007 chairman, is super jazzed about it. But should he be? Former keynote speakers included former President Bill Clinton, former future presidents Barack Obama and John McCain. Tony Snow was a regular guest host for the Rush Limbaugh Show and frontman for the band "Beats Workin'." He did, as Zinczenko made sure to mention, survive the cancer that God so unjustly gave him. Who else is speaking in Boca, and why?

Spin and Bare It

krucoff2 · 12/29/05 12:04PM

MediaCitizen, Timothy Karr, dissects the secret to marketing female pundits to the masses:

Navasky Emigrates from 'Nation'

Jesse · 11/07/05 09:43AM

There are several notable facts in a "Media Talk" blurb on The Nation in today's Times. First is the peg, that liberal lion Victor Navasky, who has been the magazine's publisher since he led the group of investors who bought it from Observer moneybags Arthur Carter in 1995, is stepping aside in favor of its editor, Katrina vanden Heuvel. Next is what Navasky will be focusing on instead: "his other job, as chairman of The Columbia Journalism Review," a fact that will make rightie press-crit sorts even more dyspeptic than usual. Then there's a notable financial reality, the magazine's current and unprecedented status as profitable, which, boosted by its oppositional prominence in the Bush years, it has been since 2003. Finally, and perhaps most interesting, is this: Even in light of that last fact, Navasky's beloved chestnut — "What's bad for the country is good for The Nation," quoted repeatedly as though it's new and fresh — makes no appearance at all.