
Prejudicial Paparazzi?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/08 04:36PM

A photographer in California says Keanu Reeves ran him over with his car last year, and he's suing the dull celebrity for damages. But the paparazzo's lawyer is asking the judge to keep the words "paparazzo" and "paparazzi" out of the trial, because he claims they're prejudicial. It's an interesting philosophical question: is it prejudicial to call someone a "soulless celebrity bloodsucker" if they are in fact that very thing? Probably not any moreso than calling Keanu Reeves a "mumbling stone-faced subhuman who couldn't be more comically unsuited for his chosen profession." [LAT]

Nah, It's Cool. I Can Talk. What's Up?

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/14/08 11:15AM

Apparently unconcerned with the prospects of inconveniencing his lunching companions at Orso, The Day The Earth Stood Still star Keanu Reeves took a phone call when the waiter was about to take everyone's order. Reeves told his friend on the other line that he was free to talk and talked for a couple of minutes in a fairly calm voice. One of his tablemates rolled their eyes as Reeves carried on his conversation, then whispered to the rest of the table, "I don't really mind him talking. I just wish it was something interesting, you know? So, I could have something to send into a cool blog or TMZ. You know, I want to be the cool person on the internet for a change." At which point one of the other leaned across the table, grabbed their hands and whispered, "One day, you will. Just not today. Now, could you please pass the olive oil?"

Today in Comic-Con Hell: Rose McGowan Fellates Knife, Benicio Del Toro Stays Awake

STV · 07/25/08 05:25PM

As noted here yesterday, we missed the Fox PR Caravan to San Diego Comic-Con, but that shouldn't suggest we don't (or you shouldn't) care about the geek gangbang unfolding as we speak. To the contrary, we've actually managed to find a handful of highlights worth passing along, from Rose McGowan's overactive tongue to Benicio Del Toro's narcolepsy to an all-Lego Batman — and more! It's the next best thing to not being there, we promise! ·You'll never believe it, but Nikki Finke also stayed home, instead publishing dispatches by the New Times chain's resident nerd-hack Luke Y. Thompson. And what a run he's had, with his marathon Thursday bringing us hints at a Keanu Reeves love-in (we'll get to that) and the indelible image of Rose McGowan's Red Sonja knife-licking. She and Robert Rodriguez apparently remain a couple despite all kinds of fun rumors otherwise and, obviously, despite the worst movie poster to ever debut at Comic-Con. That said, hemogravy is hot with the ladies these days, so maybe we're the ones out of touch.·LYT draws praise, meanwhile, from David Poland, who also decided to crunch some numbers from the comfort of his own couch:

Reeves Uses 'Matrix' Telepathic Powers To Remove Bikini Tops

Douglas Reinhardt · 06/16/08 04:10PM

In a scene that was eerily reminiscent of the 1982 Scott Baio film Zapped!, popular movie star Keanu Reeves finally put to use of some of the telepathic techniques he learned from the Matrix film series. Only instead of using them for quote-unquote "good", he decided to have a little fun and make this woman's top fall off instead. After all, Reeves just began his summer holiday in France and, after a few ho-hum days, he decided to kick his vacay up a notch. Reeves said, "France is fun and all, but it got pretty boring pretty fast. So I just thought really hard and KABOOMBA! That woman's top fell off, then that one and so on and so on." Reeves thought that the female beachgoers would object to the seemingly random acts of clothing removal, but the beachgoers surprised Reeves with their casual attitudes towards nudity. Reeves added, "Everybody has been real cool about it and just went with it. I mean, if I did this in America, surely TMZ would catch wind of it. And I don't have to tell you this, but NOBODY likes it when that long-haired dude rips into them. Speaking of whom, does he remind you of Bodhi at all? Not even just a little?"

Lindsay Lohan In Near-Lesbian Intimacy SHOCKER

Ryan Tate · 05/23/08 08:41AM
  • OMG smoking gun: Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson are hugging and holding hands and putting their faces close together and everything! It's nearly almost practically lesbian kissing, and thus proof that they are girlfriends in that way. [Egotastic] (Photo via Egotastic)

Three Reasons Why Keanu Reeves And Winona Ryder Should Turn Dating Rumors Into Reality

Molly Friedman · 05/21/08 06:45PM

Hearing that Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder may be dating is like winning the Fantasy Celebrity Hookups jackpot. Both of these lovable n’er-do-wells have been down on their luck recently, with a series of DOA movies, rumored engagements that didn’t pan out, and for Winona, the likes of Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan stealing her stealing act. So whether or not the rumors are actually true, we’re throwing these two stars’ caution to the wind for them and giving them three good reasons why they most definitely should be, after the jump.

Keanu Reeves Still Drives The Ladies Crazy

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/04/08 03:25PM

At the premiere for the upcoming film, Street Kings, Keanu Reeves and his powerful phermones caused a woman to pass out from her heightened state of excitement. The unidentified woman told near by fans that she couldn't believe she was able to get so close to the Bill & Ted star, let alone have him say something to her. She thought at the most she was going to see the top of his head, but the woman instead was able to say "Hey" before passing out cold.

James Ellroy's Problem is That He's Too Good For Scarlett Johansson

STV · 04/04/08 11:00AM

Life's not exactly what you'd call a bitch for James Ellroy, Los Angeles crime novelist extraordinaire and co-screenwriter (for the first time) of next week's Keanu Reeves/Forest Whitaker cop thriller Street Kings. Nevertheless, as evinced by today's LA Times profile, the new film is one of the few Ellroy projects — after one hit (LA Confidential) and a succession of misfires (The Black Dahlia) and lost causes (White Jazz) — for which anyone has sustained any hopes coming out of the gate.

Coming To Theatres in 2015: Bill & Ted's Disappointing Career Trajectory

employeemegan · 04/01/08 05:45PM

Keanu Reeves, who hasn't made moviegoers go "Whoa" since he chose the red pill 9 years ago, tells that a third Bill & Ted movie is still on the table. Revealing a heretofore unknown "decades" rule in Bill & Ted filmmaking, the actor said "The most serious we [Reeves and pal/co-star Alex Winter] ever got was a few years ago. I had once mentioned about doing it when we were 40. Now maybe the only shot we have is to do it when we're 50. Ted Theodore Logan and Bill S. Preston, Esquire, at age 50? Bogus!

Quentin Tarantino Enjoys Asian-Themed Cocktail In Los Feliz

Seth Abramovitch · 03/28/08 05:10PM

Attention Defamer operatives: You have been slacking on your PrivacyWatch duties! Today's installment is verging on pitiful. We command you to wander the streets until you successfully spot a celebrity, then rush back to the nearest keyboard-equipped telecommunications device to breathlessly type up your dispatch. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them), so that everyone can read about how you Giovanni Ribisi needs Magnum condoms.

The Top 7 Cinematic Fashion Trends We're Glad Didn't Set Hollywood Ablaze

Molly Friedman · 02/20/08 05:38PM

The perfectly coiffed folks over at Men's Vogue decided to put together a very thorough list of the top 50 films that had the "most impact on men's style" when they came out. And their choices (The Graduate and Easy Rider among them) are certainly worthy of mention, but all that superior dressage got us wondering: which style trends should we be most thankful for NOT catching on? From Dante's distressed flannel in Clerks to those infamous white codpieces in A Clockwork Orange, we present a list of our Top 7 least favorite male fashion trends to ever disgrace the silver screen:

Keanu Reeves Sued For Gently Nudging Photographer Out Of The Way With Porsche

seth · 11/06/07 01:26PM

A Hollywood tribal feud no less contentious than writers vs. producers is the one brewing for well over a century now between celebrities and paparazzi, the first documented incident of which involved Mary Pickford launching a half-eaten pomegranate at the head of a Movieland Tattler illustrator caught sketching the actress's unflattering likeness in her garden. The war rages on, as Keanu Reeves finds himself the defendant in a lawsuit filed by a paparazzo claiming the actor struck her with his Porsche last March:

Bill And Ted Reunite For Excellent Japanese Pop-Art Adventure

seth · 10/30/07 03:10PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted the guy whose voice was the last Tony Soprano ever heard.

Keanu Reeves Not As Dumb As He Looks, Acts

Erica · 10/24/07 04:20PM

The date: October 22, 2007

The place: Mercer Street

Sighted: Walking north on Mercer street right now with a short grey-haired man. Dressed rather oddly for the weather—- big work boots and snow hat. Taller, and more Botoxed, than expected.

Vince Vaughn Rides Bike In Venice

seth · 09/18/07 03:53PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted a close-to-bursting Salma Hayek giggling at herself in a Beatles musical.

Keanu Reeves Practicing His 'Whoas' For Sci-Fi Remake

seth · 08/27/07 02:00PM

· Hollywood Out of Ideas: Let's Stick Neo in Another End-of-the- World-with- Robots-Movie Edition: Fox greenlights a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, starring Keanu Reeves. [Variety]
· American Eagle, purveyors of fine, outdoorsy shmatahs to mall-patrons everywhere, has actually launched an "entertainment production arm," and is rushing several web-based projects into productions. We don't know about you, but we're thrilled The Adventures of Sensible, Double-Pleated, Triple-Washed Chinos finally got the greenlight it deserved. [Variety]
· The Bourne Ultimatum continues to dominate the international box office—particularly Denmark, where national treasure Matt Damon's birthday is feted with a symbolic dumping of a Minnie Driver-alike in a staged ceremony attended by tens of thousands. [Variety]
· South Park's evil geniuses Matt Stone and Trey Parker have their contract renewed at Paramount, a juicy ad-sharing deal which will guarantee the duo "$75 million over the next four years," ensuring many more adventures for Lemmiwinks in the Land of Mr. Slave's Bowels. [THR]
· Hollywood Nepotismwatch: Paramount Vantage greenlights its first deal with Will Ferrell and Adam McKay's Gary Sanchez Prods.—The Goods: The Don Ready Story, set to star none other than McKay's brother-in-law, Jeremy Piven. Now you know who your sister has to fuck to get a job in this town.

Jack Heads North

seth · 08/17/07 04:49PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Sarah Connor at a 7-11.