
Taylor Berman · 07/16/13 11:04PM

According to the New York Times, Keith Olbermann will return to ESPN later this year. He'll reportedly host a one-hour, nightly show for ESPN2.

Keith Olbermann Wants to Work at ESPN Again

Taylor Berman · 03/03/13 11:53PM

Keith Olbermann, famed observer of reckless drivers and occasional Gawker emailer, is reportedly testing the waters at ESPN, the station he left in 1997 in a typically bridge-burning/napalming fashion. Several times over the last year, the former Current and MSNBC host reached out to ESPN president John Skipper with friendly "Gee, I would love to have dinner" emails, and finally, some time a few months ago, the two dined together at New York's Four Seasons restaurant:

Rachel Maddow Was Shocked By Keith Olbermann's Departure from Current TV

Matt Toder · 04/18/12 11:59PM

Taking a break from his usual slate of "Bravo-lebrities," Andy Cohen welcomed MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on tonight's Watch What Happens Live. During the show, Maddow answered a question about her former colleague Keith Olbermann's very public split with Current TV. Here's her answer.

Keith Olbermann Launches Some Salvos at Current TV on David Letterman's Show

Matt Toder · 04/03/12 11:30PM

On tonight's Late Show with David Letterman, Keith Olbermann attempted to explain what exactly went wrong for him at Current TV. He did so with an analogy about a $10 million chandelier being installed in an unworthy building. It's pretty easy to guess who's who in the analogy.

Keith Olbermann Will No Longer Be Authority on World's Worst People

Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 09:49AM

In response to more cries of liberal double standards, Keith Olbermann is suspending his "Worst Persons in the World" segment. It's all over remarks the Current TV host made three years ago about conservative commentators Michelle Malkin and S.E. Cupp. (If you guessed he called either of them a "slut," you'd be wrong.)

Keith Olbermann's Response to Our Response to His Response

Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/12 05:01PM

Keith Olbermann is a busy man. But not that busy, because he has responded not once, but twice, to our post today in which a former employee excoriates him for being an awful, terrible boss. (We applaud such multiple responses, to be clear.) Let's get you all caught up.

Keith Olbermann: Not Worth It

Hamilton Nolan · 01/05/12 09:43AM

Keith Olbermann is a talented television man. He's agile with words. He's whip-smart, an often penetrating thinker, and seems able to strike the perfect on-air balance between smoldering outrage and smirking "What are we doing here, folks?" acknowledgment of some of television's absurdities. Still. If you are a TV executive who hires this man, you are a fucking idiot.

Al Gore Shuns Rick Perry, Outs the Host on Colbert Report

Matt Cherette · 09/13/11 11:53PM

Stephen Colbert welcomed former Vice President Al Gore to the Report tonight for a wide-ranging chat—just kidding, it was mostly about global warming because, duh, Al Gore. That notwithstanding, the interview did have two standout moments, including Gore's refusal to reciprocate Rick Perry's 1988 endorsement of him, as well as a conversation about Keith Olbermann that ended with Gore accidentally "outing" Colbert as a character. Here are both of them in one video.

Keith Olbermann Gives 10 Reasons to Watch the New Countdown

Matt Cherette · 06/22/11 12:07AM

Last night, Keith Olbermann reincarnated Countdown on Current TV and it was pretty much the same exact show he had on MSNBC before the network gave him the boot. To call it "new" is a bit of a stretch, but Olbermann stopped by tonight's Late Show with David Letterman to promote the program and read off tonight's Top 10 list, "Reasons to Watch the New Countdown with Keith Olbermann." Video of the segment is above.

Keith Olbermann Thinks It's Up to Him to Save America

Matt Cherette · 06/20/11 11:51PM

Five months after MSNBC canned him, Keith Olbermann returned to television tonight as Countdown made its debut on Current TV. It's pretty much the same exact show: The new network is basically the only difference between this incarnation of Countdown and the last one. But just in case you have any doubts, Olbermann's typically over-the-top "special comment" this evening—in which he claims that he's the "last line of defense" when it comes to protecting America's independence from being taken away by evil corporations—is above.