
Teen Kennedy Loses Her Shit at a Club: "I Am a Kennedy, Google Me"

Allie Jones · 03/03/15 09:15AM

Nineteen-year-old Kyra Kennedy, daughter of RFK, Jr., was somehow not let into a 21+ club this weekend. I mean, can you literally! This is crazy. Page Six reports that Lava at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York—described on its website as a "pulsating danceclub"—wouldn't admit Kyra even though she had her sister's passport.

Dead Kennedys Update: Dead Kennedys Outnumber Dead Kennedys

John Cook · 05/17/12 04:27PM

The death by hanging yesterday of Mary Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr.'s second wife, brings the total number of premature deaths in the extended Kennedy clan—including two of President John F. Kennedy's infant children—to 11. By contrast, the official count of current and former members of the Dead Kennedys stands at nine.

Mary Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Wife, Found Dead: UPDATE

Adrian Chen · 05/16/12 04:23PM

Mary Kennedy, wife of Robert F. kennedy Jr., was found dead today in her home in Mount Kisco, New York according to Radar. 52-year-old Mary committed suicide, according to a source cited by Radar, though that's not been confirmed by other reports. RFK Jr. filed for divorce from Mary in 2010 after 16 years of marriage; they had four children together.

Everyone But Hillary Loves Caroline Kennedy

Pareene · 12/08/08 11:50AM

Supposedly, Governor Paterson is going to appoint Caroline Kennedy to serve the remainder of Hillary Clinton's Senate term. Caroline Kennedy is basically the only Kennedy left who everyone likes.We like her, don't you? The lady Kennedys have historically been much more tolerable than the men Kennedys of course, and now all we have left of them anyway are smug RFK Jr and sad old Ted and some drunk kids and, uh, Patrick Kennedy. So Caroline: the Kennedy it's still cool to like! Unless you're Hillary Clinton.

Kennedys Tangentially Involved in New Website

Pareene · 07/03/08 11:16AM

Ameritocracy is some new blog site widget internet social networking community aggregator or something, in which people vote on things other people say and decide if they are relevant. Whatever, it's terrible. But there's a Kennedy involved! A real-life Kennedy! They had a launch party with two Kennedys! Robert Kennedy Jr and Robert Kennedy III! (Note to the Kennedys: there are other names.) Those Kennedys showed up because Bobby III is their "outreach director." And also because if there is one thing members of the Kennedy family know about, it is getting ahead in "a meritocracy." (Do you see what they did there?) Attached is the press release celebrating this revolutionary new website. Maybe they can hire Robert Kennedy IV as their proofreader?

Ted Kennedy Has a Brain Tumor

Pareene · 05/20/08 12:51PM

Massachusetts Senator-for-life Ted Kennedy, recently hospitalized after a stroke, has a malignant brain tumor. Kennedy, who's been in the Senate since 1962, when both two of his brothers were alive, is 76. No word on how advanced or aggressive the tumor is, or what his course of treatment will be, but he's basically got between one and five years left. Enough time to see Bush out of office, hopefully. Best of luck. [NYT]

Will Illegitimate Mystery Kennedy Endorse Obama?

Pareene · 02/07/08 10:19AM

Page Six says Vanity Fair found an illegitimate son of John F. Kennedy out in Canada somewhere. His name is Jack and he "bears a strong resemblance to the 35th president assassinated in 1963." But Teddy strong-armed Graydon Carter and they killed the story! Except Vanity Fair says it isn't dead, so much as waiting on some sort of proof beyond resemblance and hearsay. Page Six, unfamiliar with such quaint niceties, is understandably unconvinced. [NYP]