Black Magic Binds Adulteress to Paramour For Several Hours After Sex
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/14/12 10:47AMCongressman Will Stop Abortion in Kenya, Too
Jim Newell · 03/30/11 03:40PM
Rep. Chris Smith is the House Republicans' go-to "abortion guy." He's behind the rape-redefining No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. He gets in fights with congresswomen who have had abortions. But it's not enough for Chris Smith to merely focus on domestic abortions. He also has to fly to Kenya, on taxpayer dollars, to ensure there aren't any abortions there either.
Mike Huckabee Just Isn't a Very Nice Person
Jim Newell · 03/03/11 11:55AM
Would-be presidential frontrunner Mike Huckabee humiliated himself a few days ago with his bizarre "Barack Obama's childhood in Kenya during the Mau Mau Revolution made him hate America" radio performance. But instead of simply hanging his head in shame for a little while after that, he doubled down on his fictional dog-whistle psychoanalysis of the president during another ugly interview with one of the most insane people in American politics. What a show! What a... show.
Delirious Mike Huckabee Describes Obama's Childhood in Kenya
Jim Newell · 03/01/11 04:27PM
Crucial point to make about Mike Huckabee: He's nuts. A nice guy, sure. But nuts! He has no idea what he's saying at any given point. Only a matter of days ago he was telling the Birther crowd to shut up about Barack Obama's birth certificate, describing it as "nonsense." But then he goes and rambles about Barack Obama's childhood in Kenya! What is even happening with this man?